Friday, February 6, 2015

On Burning: One Muslim's Infidel is Another Muslim's Holy Muslim

Claiming the Islamic State is not Islamic or doesn't represent what Islam is really all about only says that you are either Islam-ignorant, lying for the sake of Islam (called Taqiyya) or that you belong to a different sect of Islam than the Muslim you claim is un-Islamic.

Sunnis believe the Shia's are infidels, and the feeling is mutual. Both believe Sufis are infidels, but the Sufis just keep on dancing anyway. Sunnis and Shia's hate the Jews because the Koran tells them to, and neither sect particularly likes anyone outside their own tight group.

When the Jordanian fighter pilot, Muah al-Kaseasbeh, was savagely burned to death by ISIS, a Jordanian spokesman told Fox News that it was totally un-Islamic to do so. 

Leftists like Jenna McLaughlin, in an article for Mother Jones "Islamic Teachings Explicitly Forbid Death by Burning. But ISIS Did it Anyway," also claims that the execution of someone by burning is un-Islamic. She tries to make the case the left constantly attempts to make, that Islam is a religion of peace, in spite of evidence to the contrary. On the other hand, even G.W. Bush made the same claim.

ISIS saw it coming, however. They initiated an online counteroffensive in a post titled: "Moaz Was Burnt Alive. Below is the Justification for Such an Act." They quoted unnamed "scholars" who said that it is acceptable in modern times to burn victims. The article goes on to teach jihadists how to argue with other Islamic clerics whose opinion of immolation differs.

In an informative article entitled Islam and Burning People Alive, Dr.Stephen M. Kirby makes it clear that burning people alive was something that was done in the time of Muhammad.

Kirby explains that the ISIS video, "Healing the Believers Chest," was a Koranic reference (9:14) that justifies burning.
Watches the burning of pilot

According to the Koran, al-Kaseasbeh, a Muslim fighting for a Jordanian king in a coalition with infidels fighting against the new Caliphate, is a Hypocrite (Munafiq). A Munafiq is a person who is outwardly a Muslim, but who, by fighting alongside infidels in this war, is a Hypocrite by displaying a disbelief in Islam.

The Koran says Allah curses Hypocrites and prepares hell for them. (Interesting question for me is: who does Allah address in order to curse Hypocrites--after all, He is Allah, so who can the curse be directed to since there is nobody higher in status?) Allah told Muhammad to "strive hard against" them and be "harsh" to them (48:6; 9:68; 9:73).

To ISIS, al-Kaseasbeh was a Hypocrite, not a true Muslim, thus the immolation was Islamically correct.

Even gentle, sweet Muhammad, burned people to death for fun and prophet. In 627, he led an attack against the Al-Mustalaq tribe because they fought back when he attacked them for their treasures. When their leader refused to tell them the location of the booty, Muhammed had their fortification burned down with their women and children inside.

The following year, Muhammad conquered the Jewish Bani al-Nadir tribe, but when Kinanah bin al-Rabi, their leader, refused to tell them where the tribe's treasures were hidden, Muhammad ordered him tortured with fire on the leader's chest until he nearly died. After he told them what they wanted to hear, they beheaded him.

One thing is clear from the above: Islamic scripture can be interpreted in more than one way, and it can justify some of the most horrific behavior one man can bestow upon another.

The appeasers of Islam are as dangerous as the apologists. What ISIS did to that pilot can be justified by Islamic scripture, depending on who you ask.

We need a real and honest strategy from Barack Obama. The problem is not just that of the Middle East or the Arab nations; it is a world problem and continues to grow like a cancer. The thing is, Obama is not taking the nation's best interest to heart because, in his heart, I believe he is a Muslim. If not, then what is he doing that a Muslim POTUS would not do?

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