Monday, January 19, 2015

Mighty Michael Moore or Less

Michael Moore has become an irrelevant dinosaur, albeit a very large and perpetually ravenous one. In spite of the fact that "American Sniper," the story about Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, had the biggest opening weekend for a January movie, Moore could not keep his hatred for America and patriotism in check.

Already grossing over $100 million over the weekend and receiving six Oscar nominations, American Sniper has gotten under the fat man's adipose tissue.

He tweeted this out on Sunday: "My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren't heroes. And invaders r worse." 
You can tweet him if you like

Can you imagine Michael Moore up on that roof with his spotter, waiting for the opportunity to take his shot? I can. 

I can see fat old Michael Moore in enemy territory, knowing that if he's spotted, he's a dead man. I can imagine him peeing himself from fear and shaking too much to do what he needs to do in order to protect his guys. I believe psychologists would diagnose what Michael Moore did in his feeble tweet was something called a reaction formation. That is, he's the coward and the anxiety of being such a pussy causes him to attribute that quality to another person who cannot argue back with him because he's dead. Perfect scenario for a coward like Moore.

But Michael Moore doesn't have any guys to protect and he wouldn't be up to the task, I suspect. 

In fact, guys like Chris Kyle have protected the fat man and his right to say stupid anti-American things that seem to come out of his nether regions.

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