Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Caliphate Is My Oyster

There are no borders in a caliphate. There is no Iran, Iraq, Syria or any other name to differentiate one place from another; there is just a Caliphate. So when thirteen Iraqi youths were shot and killed by the Islamic State (which is not Islamic nor a state) for cheering on their Iraq team in a soccer match against Jordan in the Asian Cup, it made me think about what the world would be like if we had to live in a world caliphate under Islamic State rule.

First, there would be no Asian Cup or any other kind of athletic competition because everyone would be living under the dominion of Islam. That is, everyone who would be permitted to live. This would happen very soon after a caliphate was established.

The Jews would all be slaughtered as prescribed by the Koran. No more Jews and that would be a loss for the world. If you think about the contributions Jews have made to society, it's obvious that scientific growth and inventiveness would suffer.

Christians would live in servitude or die. Those not killed by ISIS would be forced to pay a heavy tax, called jizya, and would be in the same category as animals. If a Muslim is on the sidewalk and a Christian approaches, he or she must walk in the road and not make eye contact. Eventually, however, even the Christians would be killed if they refused to convert to the religion of peace (and did I mention tolerance?).

There would be no banks or lending institutions because interest on loans is Haram, or illegal according to Islam. The stock market would be a thing of the past and our ways of doing business would become archaic.

Forget movie theaters. Gone. No actors or actresses. No movies of any non-Islamic content because there is no freedom of expression in Islam. No video games, Internet, or newspapers

And while we're at it, all non-Islamic music would be banned along with dancing. Women would be forced into burqas, those cloth cocoons that covers up all their seductive skin, lest a Muslim man get sexually aroused. Let's face it, if a man can get aroused by a woman's ankle, imagine how aroused this man would get observing a kneecap or wrist. Donuts, therefore, would be outlawed. Haram. Hole in center.

Women will not drive or leave the house without a male family member accompanying them. If they're caught, they will be flogged--they do it as a sport even now in Saudi Arabia.

Without fiduciary responsibility, the infrastructure of the caliphate would erode and eventually come apart. Roads would have as many cracks and holes as a proctologist's office.

Clothing stores will go out of business as fashion will be Haram. There will be no "Miss Caliphate" competitions or any non-Islamic competitions of any kind. Western society to ISIS is Haram.

Everyone would be forced, by threat of beheading, to pray five times a day to a loving god who will kill you if you don't. Well, Allah can't actually kill anyone so he has his barbaric warriors kill for him--his hands are tied.

If you are gay or anything other than "straight," you will be executed. The Koran's recipe for killing gays is to throw them from high places. Better learn to fly. That's the reason Iran's Ahmadinejad was able to boast that there are no homosexuals in his country--they have all been hung by the neck until dead.

If you say just one bad thing about the spiritual leader of the Caliphate, your ass is grass. You will be killed and your body left out in public to show others what happens when you tell a truth about the Caliph.

Maybe we need to educate you wannabe jihadists about the real Islam if these barbarians of ISIS get their way. It's like the old saying goes: "better be careful what you wish for."

But Allah loves you.

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