Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The IRS is Watching and They're Everywhere

Fifty is the new forty, gay is the new normal, and the IRS is the new Gestapo. Now with the implementation of Obamacare, the IRS has become the enforcement arm of the "law," that has robbed over 6 million people of their original coverage, leaving them at risk of losing everything, should they undergo a medical emergency. The IRS now has incredible political power, and while Obama is busy getting to the bottom of this phony IRS scandal, nothing is actually being done and the IRS has grabbed even more power than it ever had. 

Obama claimed that there isn't a "smidgen" of corruption or otherwise illegal behavior regarding the IRS case, in spite of the fact that the main player in this atrocity, Lois Lerner, pleaded the Fifth Amendment and resigned from her leadership position at the IRS. Not a smidgen, then why hide behind the Constitution?

Since the case is still ongoing, it's amazing Obama knows that no evidence exists indicating any unlawful behavior. Obviously he can't actually know this with any real certainty, but he seems to think his words are magic and can change the facts. Bill O'Reilly, in his pre-Superbowl interview with the President, might have responded to Obama when he made the not-even-a-smidgen claim, by asking about why Lerner "took the Fifth."

Catherine Engelbrecht, founder of True the Vote (TTV), a conservative organization designed to thwart voter fraud,  refers to the IRS scandal as the "weaponization of the government."  It's an accurate description of the situation. 

TTV originally filed for tax-exemption in July 2010, seeking a 501 (c) 3 status. It was not granted and in May 2013 the organization learned that their situation was part of the larger targeting that had made the news (on the right, not the left), about how the Tea Party organizations and those with the word "patriot" in their title were being denied this status.

But on September 23, 2013, after several years of waiting, the IRS granted TTV tax-exempt status but in the same document filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit and avoid further disclosure that might make people like, say, Lois Lerner, look as if they were doing something untoward and unconstitutional. TTV however, didn't drop the suit and Ms. Engelbrecht is taking on Big Brother.

When Barack Obama is heard to say on an open mike "I can do anything [I] want; [I'm] the president," you can only imagine what he thinks to himself without saying it.

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country--women too.

A New York reporter is taken hostage by terrorists. If POTUS refuses to release 3 Gitmo jihadists, the reporter will die in 24 hours—they will behead him and show it on the Internet. There is only one way out but the clock is ticking . . .
Jihad Joe: a Novel  Create Space soft cover book edition

Jihad Joe see it here ebook version 

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