Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why Bob Costas is an Idiot

Bob Costas they say, is suffering from pink eye, but I believe it may be more serious than that; I'd say he has a case of pinko. He spoke glowingly of Vladimir Putin and it became very clear that he, Costas, should stick to sports broadcasting and stay as far away from actual politics and history as possible. He's either an idiot or a communist.

You remember Mikhail Gorbachev and glasnost. Well, glasnost was not originated by Gorby to describe how he led Russia "out of its totalitarian state and to democracy, to freedom, to openness" to quote his words (Disinformation by Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa and Ronald Rychlak, p. 14). Glasnost is deception and an art perfected by Russian rulers. Even George W. Bush was fooled by Putin when, in 2001, at the end of the Slovenia summit he said of Putin: "I looked the man in the eye. I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy" (p.14). Bush might have added: "so will you carry me across the stream, Mr. Scorpion?"

When Putin was officially elected in March 2000, he was depicted in Russian schoolbooks as a national hero. They described him as a people's president. Once he was comfortably in power, he placed former undercover KGB officers in the most important Kremlin positions--they were to become known as the "Putinburgers." He installed a  new structure to increase Kremlin control over Russia's 98 administrative regions; he divided the country into 7 "super districts," each headed by its own "presidential representative," and gave 5 of the 7 posts to his former KGB buddies. He told NBC's Nightline that he used KBG in order to root out graft.

Ask the Chechens about Putin. They are not his biggest fans. Putin called the Chechen efforts to regain their independence "terrorism," and swore to eradicate it. "We'll get them anywhere, even if we find them sitting in the outhouse, then we will piss on them there. The matter is settled." I believe he may have gotten his material from Martin Bashir, or vice versa. But one thing is certain, Putin is not the guy Bob Costas said he is. Putin is a very bad man.

Putin predicted a new Cold War against the West in July 2007. "War has started," he said on August 8, 2008 right when Russian tanks crossed into pro-Western Georgia. I guess good old W was wrong about Vladimir. 

So Bob Costas is taking care of his pink eyes. Perhaps if he uses ordinary Russian sink water and soaks a cloth in it, he can cure the problem. Of course, he may come down with a case of the creeping crud, because that what you get with Russian water and Russian communism.

I certainly do not believe that Bob Costas is a communist, therefore, I truly believe he must be an idiot.

If you want to learn more about how the Russians, and other governments use disinformation to push their agendas, read Disinformation (cited above).

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