Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Hard Sell

Denis McDonough, White House Chief of Staff, has a daunting job to do on the Sunday morning talk shows: to convince the war-weary, administration-weary public to take punitive action against Syria’s Assad regime. President Obama did a policy flip when he decided at the last minute to ask for congressional approval of getting the US involved in the Syrian civil war. But as it turns out, President Obama wants it both ways: if congress goes along with their constituency and votes against hitting Syria with “a shot across the bow,” he said that he might go ahead anyway. If they vote for it, he will look like an actual leader rather than an amateur at the helm, steering the ship of the nation into the iceberg. But the thing that makes McDonough’s task the most daunting is the fact that when Obama had an administration mouthpiece, Susan Rice, speak for him on the Sunday morning talk show, it was about a lie the administration tried to perpetrate on the American public. Ironically, Susan Rice will also be called upon to push for public support when she speaks at the New America Foundation this Monday.

We know that the American public is not stupid, at least those of us who see through Obama’s smokescreen. “I didn’t draw the red line, the world drew it.” Obama would have us believe his words today rather than what he said on August 20, 2012. Please, Barack Obama, it’s on video; we saw it and we heard it. You said it and you did it in a very personal way. So unless you’re saying that you now speak for the entire world, own up to your words like a man—or is that asking too much?

Only France supports our plan for a military strike—it doesn’t get funnier than that. Obama, who seems to think the United Nations should dictate America’s policies, has not received their support for a strike, and the president doesn’t seem to care—Obama wants to do what Obama wants to do.

For an administration that failed to react to protect our men in Benghazi, I have no faith that Obama has the ability to effect a good outcome with Syria. It almost seems as if Obama would have the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Syria as he does in Egypt. He is notorious for supporting the wrong team; think Solyndra, Chevy Volt, immigration reform without enforcement. I have no proof but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Obama would support sharia law over the Constitution—he tries to go around it all the time except now, with Syria.

A few people, including John McCain, have said that if Obama strikes at Syria even if congress does not approve this measure, he should be up for impeachment proceedings. Personally, I would have called for those proceedings a while ago when he supported the Muslim Brotherhood and invited those scum-sucking terrorists into our White House.

Obama’s incompetence knows no bounds and his allegiance to the United States is not clear to me. His father was a Muslim and a communist, his step-father was a Muslim and a communist, his mother and his “Uncle Frank [Davis Marshall]” were communists. His mentor, Saul Alinsky, was a flaming socialist guru for social change through devious tactics, and Obama has shown us that he was a good student. Is Obama a communist or socialist? Who knows, but I believe there’s a better chance that he is a socialist than the chance that Solyndra would have been a success if the taxpayers just threw them more money.

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