Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Snowden's Lament

Edward Snowden is saying that the United States government isn't playing fair with him. They revoked his passport and countries that may have offered him asylum, are now hesitant out of fear of losing trade with us. If Eddy had his way, we'd give him back his passport and tell other countries to take him under their wing. So what that he gave up classified information about the National Security Agency. (When you say the full name, rather than simply saying the NSA, the agency sounds a lot more important to the country, doesn't it?) 

I believe Snowden thought he was a lot more important to the world than they believe he is. Hopefully, he never had enough sensitive information to actually hurt us, but whether or not he does, he needs to answer to us for it, right or wrong.

But how is Snowden that different from Bradley Manning, who also gave away sensitive information? How is he different from Julian Assange who made it public? How is Snowden really that different from Barack Obama who circumvents the Constitution to attack our values? None of these individuals want our country to stay with the values we've always had and celebrated. They all want "change."

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