Tuesday, July 2, 2013

In the Defense of Creepy Ass Crackers

Zimmerman's defense team
That creepy ass cracker, George Zimmerman, is still on trial for the murder of Trayvon Benjamin Martin. Trayvon's friend, Rachel Jeantel, has finally finished her testimony and cross examination by the retarded defense lawyers and believes that the creepy ass cracker, George Zimmerman killed Trayvon due to racial hatred by that white piece of crap. You see, Trayvon was just a young kid, had no weapon, was defenseless, and George-the-creepy-ass-cracker-Zimmerman was armed and a grown-up.

The above might be the way MSNBC wants to portray the situation, but I suspect this might not be fully accurate. I wasn't there, you weren't there, and we will never be absolutely certain of the truth, but I think the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. The left sees it in black and white, or shall we say, black v white. They changed their tactic and said that it isn't a racial case, but they only did that because they learned that Zimmerman was involved with black youths in a tutoring program, and he wasn't a good candidate for the left's assertions.

However, a case might be made to show that Trayvon was the racist if Rachel Jeantel's testimony about what he said to her on the cell phone is true. Calling Zimmerman a creepy ass cracker is not a term of endearment. She may not have thought that "creepy ass cracker" is a racially motivated statement, but that's because she might have special needs herself, and not the defense lawyer. 

As I watch the trial on Fox News (not a big fan of MSNBC here) it's clear that the prosecution witnesses are making a better case for the defense, and if this remains so, Zimmerman should get a "not guilty" verdict. If  he doesn't, the criminal justice system will have been compromised by liberal politics.

But what do I know--I'm just another creepy ass cracker.

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