Sunday, July 21, 2013

I'm All Trayvonned Out

I'm getting all Trayvonned out. The black community has followed PMSNBC's influence and has made George Zimmerman into a racist, cold-blooded child killer; it's ridiculous. First of all, there was no evidence that Zimmerman is a racist because if there was even a tiny shred of evidence in his past, if like Paula Deen, he used the "N" word any time in his past, all the way back to the cradle, the prosecution would have used it against him. But they had nothing to use.

But a little thing like the absence of proof regarding racial bias never stops men whose livelihoods depend on their ability to convince people (with hair trigger racial bias detectors) that a black "child" was murdered by an adult, white Hispanic. Proof, that inconvenient truth lacking in Al Gore documentaries, is not an issue with leftist media.

Watching Hannity tonight was finally the last straw for me. No more Trayvon in my TV viewing. I am all Trayvonned out, as I said. The jury's verdict went along with what the race hustlers wanted to hear--yes, you heard me correctly--they wanted a Not Guilty verdict because it now empowers them to piss off their brothers and sisters who needed something to feel angry about, again. 

Some of the white pissed off protesters are just as happy to rekindle the nostalgic days of the 1960s. The days when men and women walked hand-in-hand, flowers in hair, beads around their necks, free love, free the Chicago Six, singing Kumbayah, my Lord, Kumbayah, until many went on to become angry atheists. A time when Al Gore Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but proudly was Jane Fonda-esque about the Viet Nam War. Now they can protest for the black man again, as if George Zimmerman somehow set civil rights back to the Civil War.

No more Fox News when it's about the Zimmerman trial or the Trayvon protests. I'm all Trayvonned out and will change the channel if Greta utters a word about Saint Trayvon, the sweet kid who only wanted to get home with his Skittles and Ice Tea, or Sean Hannity has another expert panel where liberals like Tamara Holder (not sure if she's related to Eric or not) rudely interrupt people trying to make a point that disagrees with her point of view whereby anyone who disagrees with her is a racist, capitalist pig. Sorry Tamara, I will not listen to you any more either.

When the news (by definition, that means Fox News, not the liberal campaign stations--you know who I mean) begins revisiting stories like Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, the New Black Panthers and Philadelphia, NSA and so on, then you'll have me again.

Until then, I will fully focus on completing my final edit of Scent of a Movement, my current novel in progress.

My latest novel, Jihad Joe, is about Islamic terrorism and suspense.  In it I challenge the precepts of the religion through my protagonist, Zed Nill, a journalist, captured by terrorists and who is destined to be killed if the American President refuses to release three Gitmo prisoners.  Of course, American policy demands we never give in to terrorists, and for Zed, the clock is ticking.

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