Sunday, March 31, 2013

8 Questions and Sub-questions That Annoy the Hell Out of Me

It's Easter Sunday and my wife and I just went for a walk, visited a neighbor, and now I'm hanging out watching the Red Wings get slaughtered by the Black Hawks. The score is now 7 to 0 with about 3 minutes left in the carnage. I believe the Detroit goalie must have been injured and they're using the Zamboni driver to fill in.

1. Is it possible that Captain Mark Kelly, the husband of Gabby Giffords, and a retired astronaut, is making public his gun control opinions because he's now out of a job and basically irrelevant now that he's out of a job?  Also, is he a Telly Savalis wannabe?

2. Will Pope Francis offer his neck to the Islamic extremists and turn a blind eye to the global terrorism that knows no geographical boundaries? Or, will he call out the leaders, the imams and political leaders of this geopolitical religion, and demand they stop the slaughter of Christians and those of other religions, as well as atheists, throughout the world? 

3. Will the majority Christians in this country simply say that they've had enough of the secularist crap the left keeps heaping on them, and actually call today "Easter," and not "Spring Holiday"? And when asinine organizations like Freedom From Religion, try to have Christians take down monuments because it insults them, why doesn't the Supreme Court shove the Bill of Rights in their face and tell them that if they don't like religious expression, to first debate that issue in Saudi Arabia and see what happens? Perhaps the Supreme Court judges should have to submit to term limits just like King Obama.

4. What about Benghazi? Who will hold Hillary Clinton's feet to the fire? Who will challenge the cover-ups and lies that ensued?\

5. Fast and Furious has gone away--why did we let that happen and why has Eric Holder not been impeached? Thomas Perez is another question that comes to mind--he needs to be carefully scrutinized before being appointed. His track record on voter issues in Philadelphia are definitely not above board.

6. Why isn't the GOP attacking Obama on his lies? There have been bold lies about what he claimed he'd do for the country, and what he has failed to do--there is video proof of this. He attacked G.W. Bush for creating debt, but he has taken the country into far greater debt. Why isn't he being attacked on this issue?

7. Why are conservatives allowing the MSM to get away with their biased reporting? Why aren't we boycotting biased movies and the leftist news media as well as CBS and other TV networks that insult our values? 

Carrey talking out of his butt
8. What if we refuse to attend a Jim Carrey movie or that other loser (whose name escapes me, but he's known for sticking his "boy part" in a cake), and not bring their tweets and other cries for attention to the public's attention?

The real problem with conservatives, is that we are comfortable with our identity--we are less aggressive and we aren't looking at our country through nihilistic lenses like the left does. This needs to stop. We need to grow a pair of nut sacks and stop them from pushing the message. We need new ideas and stop defending our old ones or agree with theirs.

Aha--the Red Wings just scored--too little, too late. Let's not be guilty of that GOP.

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