Thursday, July 19, 2012

All Kidding Assad

The DNC has pulled a political ad of Ann Romney shown with her dressage ("dancing") horse to make the point that Mitt Romney is "dancing around the issues."  Ann said the ad was offensive and the DNC sort of apologized about their insensitivity and poor judgment, as well as their lack of real creative ideas to distract voters away from Barack Hussein Obama's deplorable record.  In fact, for the first time ever, Canadians are richer than Americans.  What Ann Romney has demonstrated is that she's nobody to screw with, and the Democrats didn't test her.  

But the political ad wasn't the dumbest thing the left has done this week.  Obama went off the teleprompter and spoke his socialist mind, claiming that people in business didn't "make it" on their own.  They had help--roads, teachers, and regulations that helped them get to where they were going.  In other words, government did the hard work and all that successful people did was to go through the motions.  But our President hasn't even gone through the motions of meeting with his own Jobs Council at a time when the unemployment rate is at 386,000 as of today.  And after almost four years without a budget, a health care plan that promises higher taxes on everyone, and a European-like economy that fulfills his statement that America isn't exceptional anymore than any country is exceptional, about half the American people still haven't caught on that this President doesn't have a clue about what to do.  He is a bag of expensive words that contain lofty ideas, but his words have the same ability to change things as a soap bubble has of breaking your fall.

Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood is nudging its slimy way into power while Obama and Hillary give them their blessings. and Assad is still killing civilians with no reprisal in sight until today, when some of three people in his regime have been welcomed into Paradise to get their fair share of virgins.  The regime is considering using chemical weapons to regain control.

Israel, blames Iran and Hezbollah for the deadly terrorist attack that killed innocent Israelis, not because they were Israelis, but because they were Jews.  Israeli Ambassador Dan Gillerman says that Iran's fingerprints are all over the attack, but Iran calls the accusations "ridiculous."  I see Israel as a flower in a cesspool, surrounded by Islamic hatred for the Jewish state, and a target for this hatred.  It is highly likely that this little country will need to do something drastic to remain relatively safe.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 

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