Monday, July 16, 2012

Clichés in a Clinch

Millionaire's Yacht
It looks like the Obama administration has thrown some of his own millionaires and billionaires under the bus, if you will, but at the end of the day the last laugh may be on him.  Armed with the usual talking points about those rich people with their corporate jets and gas-guzzling yachts, (those folks with real skin in the game), Obama vowed to raise their taxes in addition to doing the same thing with ObamaCare.  He has deemed it necessary to increase taxes for all those people earning more than $250 thousand a year and believes that with the extra revenue, he could really grow the economy and folks would really begin to understand the plans he has for his country.
Rich Guy's Jet

Mr. Obama said in a recent stump speech that "no dream is beyond reach," and "the Republican party will not hold America hostage on my watch."  The speech apparently hit it out of the ballpark for the crowd of occupiers, the unemployed '99 Weekers', SNAP and Welfare clients, all of whom gave him a rousing round of applause.

Multi Thousandaire
Obama may be the first President to actually think outside of the box by assuring his faithful followers that his corrective actions for fixing the failing economy is a sure-fire way to fix all that was broken by the Bush administration.  His actions are not a Hail Mary pass, but a viable idea whose time has come and whose specifics will be revealed on November 7th, "if conditions are right". 

Barack Obama said that Mitt Romney is a flip-flopper on most issues, and has a hidden agenda to simply kick the can down the road and throw it under the bus until the wheels come off.  Many in the throngs of the loyal unwashed did not understand most of his talking points, but as Chris Matthews later joyfully reported about the speech, which I've paraphrased:  "The President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, is just too deep for us to fully appreciate his wisdom, but we should thank our lucky stars that we have such a wonderful leader.  When I think of him at night, I get a strange surge up my pants along both legs. I can't explain it, but I do and I'm not ashamed of it."  Mr. Matthews is an unbiased journalist for MSNBC.

The President went on to say, "Romney is only good at pork barrel politics and will use a scorched earth policy to get what he wants, and all he wants is my job, which was given to me by my followers in their infinite wisdom."

In response to these anemic clichés, Mitt pointed out Obama's atrocious failures, took him to school, and ate his lunch.

In this humble blogger's opinion, this ploy is merely a fishing expedition of ideas to distract from the real issue: that Obama is a lying amateur with true socialistic/Marxist leanings that is taking our country over the cliff.

Have a nice day.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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