Saturday, July 14, 2012

What Liberals Actually Believe When It Comes to Obama and the Economy

A liberal friend of mine (he's a native New Yorker, so he almost has to be a liberal zombie) sent me an email today.  I usually read his liberal emails and dump them in the trash where they belong, but I had to save this one to show my readers how totally screwed up liberals are with their information.

I was truly amazed that the left has tried to pass this bs off as fact but there's no telling what they hear from people like Martin-I-Licked-Chris Matthews'-Ear-Bashir, or even from Tingles himself.  But I copied and pasted it below for your entertainment.  I hope you see it as I do--as proof that there are times when numbers do lie, and those times are when the numbers are figments of the collective imaginations of libtards.

Here we go:

Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower? Would You Believe It's Barack Obama?

It’s enough to make even the most ardent Obama cynic scratch his head in confusion.
Amidst all the cries of Barack Obama being the most prolific big government spender the nation has ever suffered, Marketwatch is reporting that our president has actually been tighter with a buck than any United States president since Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Who knew?
Check out the chart –
Click on Chart

Well there you have it.  Obamanomic mindfarts designed to convince those voters who have difficulty negotiating photo IDs for Election Day, and use their food stamps to buy their cigarettes and Lottery tickets.  I believe Obama is going to have their votes because he's promising them that they'll never have to work a day in their lives, just to keep their no work rally going.

And, as always, I am going to shamelessly hawk my book (below) in the hope that you will buy it so that I can make bail.  .  .  just kidding.  But I really think that if you have any interest in Islamic terrorism and its ideology, as well as what I believe is a suspenseful story, you will enjoy the book.  It's also out in Ebook for Kindle, Nook and etceteras up the wazoo.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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