Saturday, July 14, 2012

Brain Flushings on Bain Flushings

Bain Flushings
Is Romney a felon?  Is Obama a Muslim, Marxist, Economics 101 dropout?  You make the call.

Romney released several years of tax returns, more than required as a presidential candidate.  He left Bain in 1999 to save the failing Salt Lake City Olympics and was still listed as a board member with Bain, but had no hands-on responsibilities, according to him and other board members.  As it turned out, Romney was successful in saving the Olympics and Obama is successful at driving the economy into the dumper.  For his administration to call Romney a possible felon would be laughable, if it weren't so disgusting.

There is no evidence that Romney actually worked for Bain after 1999.  There is evidence Obama is a Muslim--his father was a Muslim, his step-father was a Muslim, and he was registered in his Indonesian school as a Muslim.  This doesn't prove he's a Muslim, but there is more evidence Obama is a Muslim than Mitt is a felon.

Romney seems to have a squeaky-clean history.  Obama, not so squeaky, not so clean.  His friends consist of convicted terrorists like Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dohrn, his lovely and talented wife who plotted to blow up government buildings and have shown no remorse for their sordid pasts.  In fact, Ayers confesses that he wishes he had been a more successful anarchist.  

Other friends include such colorful figures as Reverend Louis Farrakhan, the anti-Semitic lunatic Muslim who, for Constitutional reasons, still lives in the country he hates.  The very right Reverend Jeremiah-goddamn-America-Wright is another former buddy, but the friendship is losing its warmth since Obama is distancing himself from the anti-American, Jew-hating phoney--it's so hard to get the Jewish vote with these guys when getting all the votes, dead and alive, count.

Romney is a successful businessman.  Obama is a successful charlatan.  Romney's money is earned, Obama's money comes from Chicago politics with dirty dealings in both his and Michelle's cases.  Romney loves the Lord, Obama believes he is the lord. In order to get elected to the state Senate, Obama trashed his opponent by having his divorce records made public, which is never a good thing when grounds for divorce often say not so nice things about the other spouse.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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