Thursday, June 14, 2012

Banning Choice

16 oz. can get you "Five"
Michael Bloomberg is banning the sale of 16 ounce soft drinks in restaurants in order to help fight obesity in New York City. In order to stay fat, gluttons will have to order two 8 ounce soft drinks to keep up the forbidden calories, but I suspect they might go for a couple of 10 ounce drinks just for spite. Maybe they'll have to ban all soft drinks. Just as long as they leave marijuana alone, Bloomberg is okay with it, like he is with donuts as he celebrated "Donut Day" in New York right after making the soda ban announcement.

Now there is talk of banning other fattening foods like popcorn. What about ice cream and those deadly high in fat, low in satiation, croissants? What about sugary cereals and donuts (what will the cops do)? What about things that help us maintain our portly figures like television and public transit--we should be forced to walk or bike to work.  And since the reason for the fight against obesity is ostensibly for health reasons, why not ban low SPF sunscreens and only allow 40 or higher SPF's to be sold? How about banning tight jeans for men as they inhibit the reproduction of viable sperm cells? Milk is high in cholesterol so why not ban it too? And second cups of coffee should land you in jail for nothing less than a month, while candy should land you in the slammer with serious hard time.

I say we ban toilet paper too, because it is a fact that in over 95% of all cancer-related deaths in western society, the deceased was a regular user of toilet paper--the correlation is indisputable.

Bloomberg: "King of New York" 
Or maybe the best solution is to get rid of politicians like Bloomberg, a little man with a big ego who thinks he has the right to tell us what we can or cannot eat because he knows it's for our own good. Or maybe he's just into the power surge he gets when he dictates from his bully pulpit.  He wants to be your mommy just like Obama wants the government to be your nanny. Why is it that the rich and powerful want the rest of us to share our wealth and be dependent upon the government in aspects of our lives that is none of their damned business when they aren't willing to give up what they have?

Socialism doesn't bring the lowest up to the socio-economic middle, it brings the middle down to the bottom, while the rich stay rich and powerful. And a nanny state doesn't help you, it makes you dependent and weak as it weakens the nation where everyone is a winner and nobody is a winner--except for the politicians and the real people in power who put them there--the Soro's of the world.

Please tell me what you think in the comments section.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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