Wednesday, June 13, 2012

If I Was Eric Obama

Smelling blood on hands
If I was involved in a secret operation that put guns in the hands of drug cartels and this resulted in the death of an American Border Agent, and then had the opportunity to appoint my own employees to investigate the case, I would be crazy not to do it. What makes anyone think that Eric Holder (his new Indian name is "Blood on Hands") would agree to an independent probe? He would be nuts to want a real investigation if he was involved in the operation.

If I was running for the highest office in the land, POTUS, President, Commander in Chief, and would go so far as to leak secret information that would on one hand, compromise the safety and security of our country and foreign agents, while on the other hand, make me look like I actually have personal courage, I would be a fool not to claim to my accusers that accusing me or my administration of such vile acts is offensive. Attacking my accusers seems to work for Islamic groups who shout "Islamophobia" whenever someone challenges Islamic scripture and concomitant acts of terrorism, so why wouldn't I attack the Republicans who point out how those leaks benefit me. After all, the only people I put in danger are Israeli agents and the United States of America. No big deal.

In an age where singing a patriotic song at a public school graduation is prohibited, and a local government can ban the size of a soft drink while decriminalizing marijuana, we are becoming immunized to the outrage we should be feeling over the current state of affairs in the USA.  We need to feel the outrage and we need to stand together against corruption and the traitorous behavior being perpetrated by our so-called leaders.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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