Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Romney Wins Florida But West Kicks Butt Too

Mittens kicked butt in Florida with a 46% to Newt's 32%. Rick had 13% and Ron finished last at 7%, and since the Sunshine State is winner take all, Romney gets all the delegates.  The speeches that were given after it all ended were interesting--Mitt never mentioned Newt and vice versa, even though they had gone at each other  like alleycats on speed. Newt continued to get his message out to the Florida voters and attacked Obama while Mitt sounded like Rocky Balboa on Sominex. The thing that I am most grateful for is the fact that Rick's daughter, Bella, is doing much better since being admitted to the hospital for double pneumonia.  Poor Bella suffers from Trisomy 18, a genetic disorder that places her health in a constant precarious position.  It was nice to see the candidates, and even David Axelrod, pause from politics and pray for her.

Just another racist conservative
Allen West also made news when he attacked the liberal leaders for attacking entrepreneural business amd get their policies the hell out of the country. Liberals made it sound like he was attacking them and telling them to leave, but he clarified this by making it clear that it is the policies he wants to go.  He is tired of conservatives as being Constitutional punching bags; those days are over, he said. Fox News The Five's Bob Beckel, was extremely upset over this comment but was set straight by his co-hosts that GW Bush was constantly attacked and even Obama called him "unpatriotic" which put Big Beckel in his place. (I'm finding it increasingly difficult to watch The Five with Beckel--while it's important to get the liberal viewpoint to reassert to oneself why we're conservatives, Beckel has a way of pissing me off like a Joseph A. Bank commercial).

So we shall see where the GOP race goes from here--I believe that Mitt is going to win big, but I would like to see Newt go for broke.  Unfortunately, I believe these attack ads are hurting both candidates with independent voters, which can only bring a smile to King O's face. 

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

US Flag vs Koran

Liberals are saying that the protestors at Occupy What Isn't Ours movement have the right to burn the American flag and the fact that our Community Organizer in Charge has not commented on the violence nor the flag-burning is the proper course of action (which, in Obama's case is always inaction).  After all, burning the American flag is not a crime, but a right of a free people.  This is the same administration that condemned Rev. Terry Jones and his right to burn the Koran, Islam's Manual on Terrorism and Misogyny.

At every turn of the screws on us, Obama has quietly attacked every religion but Islam.  From his disgraceful behavior with Bibi Netanyahu to his treatment of the Catholic Church regarding abortion and Obamacare, this President is heading us on the path of secular supremacy at the expense of our majority beliefs in God. They have instituted a law making it legally mandatory for Catholic healthcare providers to administer birth control.  The Catholic providers have until August to comply--how does one's conscience change is six months? It's an Obamination.

It is becoming increasingly clear that liberals are taking us so far to the left, that we will be indistinguishable from Europe if Obama gets reelected.  Maybe I'm naive, but I cannot understand why anyone who honestly loves our country would vote for such a seditious individual.

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

 http://tinyurl.com/6p69cb7    Ebook:  “Conservatweets “

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tomorrow's a Day Away

(Sung to the tune of "Tomorrow" from Annie--sort of) 

The voters will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar, that tomorrow, there'll be votes.  Just thinking about tomorrow clears away the liberals and the sorrow of Obama. Hope he's gone. When I vote on a day that's gray, and lonely, I just stick out my chin, and grin, and say, Oh bama, Oh bama don't want ya, don't need ya, I'll see ya, you're only an election aaaaaawwwaaaayyy.

The liberals won't be here tomorrow, with Oh bama; so ya gotta stick out your chin, and grin, come what may. Oh bama, Oh bama don't like ya, don't like Marx, nor Soros, nor tent parks, so you've got to goooooooo aaaaawwwwaaaaaayyyy!

With Florida in just a few hours, we have a serious decisive situation where the voters will speak louder than they have up to this point in the nomination process.  Mitt is heavily favored to win, followed by Newt, then Rick, then some guy in a bad suit.  This is a winner take all state for the delegates and it will likely help Mitt a lot. But don't count out Newt--he can surprise you if, say, he punches out Chris Matthews on National TV.  That alone should win him the full nomination but somehow I suspect the leftist media will merely see it as workplace violence, like they and the President saw the Fort Hood shooting.  Of course, Keith Olbermann will go into hiding if this happened to Matthews. Liberals should eat Purina cat food.

Anyway, I ask your forgiveness for botching up the song, "Tomorrow" and hope you see it in your heart to continue reading my blog, subscribing to it, and bouncing around on the advertisements without necessarily buying anything to help support capitalism and my food habit.

Remember too, that a vote for Newt is a vote for a 51st state on the moon, and a vote for Mitt is a vote for Romneycare. A vote for Rick is a vote for goodness and family values while a vote for Ron is just plain suicide.  This is my opinion and just because it is, doesn't make me correct. 

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Can't We All Just Get Along

The GOP debates see to have gotten better and better since they began 869 debates ago, or so it seems. The candidates have gone at each other and have scored some good points on the issues facing the nation.  Some, like Pawlenty, Perry and Bachmann have dropped out of the battle when it looked obvious that this was not going to be their time, and some, like Ron Paul, have hung on, if only to make a point.  

What seems to be missing, however, is that the contenders have not sufficiently gone after Obama, and now are going after each other with a vengeance.  I'm speaking primarily of Newt and Mitt, although Rick and Ron are not completely innocent of attacking those in their own party.  The question now is, will these attacks turn off those independent voters who might not have voted for King Obama?  

Newt is being labeled a nonconservative, but that certainly isn't true.  There were times in the Reagan administration where Newt actually was further to the right than Reagan.  Mitt's campaign is accusing him of a gross ethics violation and stating that he left office in disgrace-this is overstated.

Mitt is being labeled as a rich moderate, and a flip-flopper; in part, this is true, but there's no doubt that for now, he has the best chance of beating Obama, but this is always subject to change.  Moreover, what is wrong with being successful and making money? That's called capitalism, and just because the word was invented by that unwashed lazy bum Marx, doesn't make it bad--it makes it good.  Yes, capitalism is good.

  Rick said that Mitt's healthcare program is very similar to Obamacare, which Mitt denies, but Rick zinged him in the last debate and made him look bad because the truth is, Mitt's program is like Obamacare and is basically mandatory, which he denied.

Conducting Israel Philharmonic--just kidding
Ron didn't really go into specifics in the debate, probably because he's more focused on ideals than issues, and didn't seem to have much knowledge about foreign issues that go beyond his isolationist program, but his followers love him--if he wore a tutu and danced the Makarina his followers would still love him.

But these guys are hurting the chances of a Republican occupying the White House come 2013. They should tone their attacks way down and focus on Obama's lack of leadership, distorted American vision, failure to make good on real promises, the ruined economy, his military cuts in spite of his accolades of the military to make himself look good, his failure to support our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, and being Islam's lapdog.  Instead, Mitt has spent millions in Florida ads to attack Newt, while Newt has spent something like a buck fifty and made public appearances to do the same, and Rick is home with his sick daughter and we wish her well.  Ron, whose supporters haven't done much for him financially because they're the Republican version of Occupy Something or Other, has forgone Florida and instead is counting on his message to get him through the night.  

Meanwhile, during these attacks, Obama is pretending to be as great a president as Abraham Lincoln and as inspiring a leader as Mohammad.  His approval rating has gone up because people who still like him have the attention span of sponge, and independents have the memory of brook trout.  But Republican candidates better get their scnapps together or they stand to lose more than just the presidency.

Tuesday is probably going to be the telling point in the nomination process.  I suspect Mitt is going to pull it off, if we can believe the polls, but you never know.  The one thing I have said, and will continue to say, is that I hope Ron Paul does not choose to run as an independent because that will kill our chances to rout Obama and the country will be going down the red brick road to socialism.
If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Sam LaHood may face up to 5 years in prison in Egypt because they can.  What can Obama do?  He can tell the authorities there that if they don't behave, he will take away their several billion dollars in the yearly allowance we give them, and he can tell them that the billion plus they owe us in loans that was probably going to be forgiven, will not be forgiven.  Obama can tell them that if they do not return Sam LaHood, he will refuse to bow to whoever the Muslim Brotherhood puts into power there.  But what he will probably do, as he is wont to do as our PATH (Pussy At The Helm), is wag his finger, make an angry face, and threaten something that he will never carry out.  Why does Iran come to mind?

Peyton Manning, Mahmoud, Ringo
And speaking of Iran, it's beginning to look a lot like sanctions aren't working.  It's time for Obama to suck it up and stand up to Ahmadinejad--if the little rodent-face thinks he can block off the Straits of Hormuz, Obama can stand up to him militarily and even take full personal credit for heroism above and beyond the call of humanity.

These are dangerous times, but we cannot allow the United States to be pushed around.  I say demand the return of LaHood and his colleagues.  Stop the spread of leftist pro-Sharia propaganda, bounce Little Mosque on the Prairie off the air, and put an end to honor killings and Obama's administration.

See, I turned this into a rant.  Sorry.


If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     
 http://tinyurl.com/6p69cb7    FREE Smashwords version of “Conservatweets

Friday, January 27, 2012

Friday Flushings

The Costa Concordia screwup is going to costa the company a lotta money to make those passengers who survived the crash happy. It looks like they've agreed to pay out $14,000 for each passenger--not a fortune by any means--along with the payoff of medical expenses and the full ticket refund.  Of course, the real money spent by the passengers, and you will know this if youve ever gone on a  cruise, is the cost of the booze passengers drink while sailing the seven seas.  Most people are not likely to settle for such a pittance and will take their cases to court, and we will see what follows.    

Obama calls for college financial aid overhaul because of the incredible increase in tuition--he can thank those liberal professors who continue to inflate their salaries and raise the cost of the socialist educations they provide, but somehow I think he'll find a way to tie this problem to the Bush administration.

Democratic Voters
Republicans continue to make it virtually impossible for dead people to vote in the state of Florida now  that they are requiring some form of identification.  Democrats are up in arms stating that dead Americans have just as much right to vote as live people, and that once a person dies, it is natural for him or her to vote Democrat.  The Dems spokesperson, an angry woman dressed in a $3 hat and matching clown outfit, said that asking for photo ID is discriminatory to poor people and vampires, who don't photograph.  I suspect she represented the latter group.

They want to take the fighting out of hockey.  Without the fisticuffs, hockey would be nothing more than a bunch of guys skating while they play golf using a net instead of a little hole in the ground. I say let them fight--if they're worried about concussions, they can go golfing with Obama--his concussion did not happen on the golf course.  And really, if they want to ban fighting in hockey, why do they allow it in boxing? This idea sounds like it's coming from "everyone gets a trophy" group of liberals.

I believe Mitt neutered Newt in last night's debate.   When Newt tried to knock out Mitt with the Fannie Freddie stock holdings, Mitt made it clear that his investments are blind and that they are mutual funds, which is a case where he lends the money to the company and they use it for their growth. Then Mitt zinged Newt about his Fannie and Freddie investments.  Newt was tagged big time. Rick did well, I believe, and Ron Paul needs to get his suit pressed.

Geraldo receiving Distinguished Flying BS cross
Geraldo Rivera, of Fox News, and of Willowbrook, Afghanistan, and Occupy Walls Street fame, predicts that the Hispanic vote will go to Mitt.  Geraldo, as you may know, is an expert in many many areas such as, Spanish culture, Jewish culture, foreign wars, mental retardation, gay rights, sailing, standing in hurricanes, ghetto living, moustaches, and ducking Viet Nam. He believes Mitt will win Florida on Tuesday but lose to Obama in the election, which also means that Geraldo thinks Mitt will win the nomination.

Barney Frank is marrying his dude partner--I bet they will not be going to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq, Indonesia, or any Islamic country for their honeymoon.  Michael Moore will be making a documentary of the event (sarc). 
The Barney Pat

I can`t wait to see what the rest of the week will bring. Today it brought by birthday.  (Don`t ask). When I was little I used to wish for little red fire engine cars, sleds, and ponies.  Today, I just wish for that pain in my back to go away.

Have a great weekend.

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Big Government Means Big Screw Ups

When a soldier, sailor, or Marine dies in service of their country, we are grateful and humbled by their sacrifice.  If they are buried in Arlington National Cemetery we expect their graves will be respected and certainly the remains of the brave souls accounted for by the government that runs the cemetery.  The management of Arlington, just like the way graves are laid in a perfect line, should be done with military precision.

But none of the above seems to be the case.

Arlington National Cemetery cannot account for about four million dollars of their financing for the last several years.  They cannot account for over 40 thousand bodies that died for our freedom.  They are a disgrace to the memory of those who lie there so that we may be free.  

Chevy Volt: one hot car
This is what happens when government runs things.  This is government out of control.  Democrats love big government, but big government is a failure more times than it succeeds. I am not claiming that something untoward occurred at Arlington--if it were run by someone directly involved with the present administration, I would put money on corruption at the helm, but even if there was nothing illegal that was involved with the loss of the money and the bodies, there is that recurring feeling of government incompetence that gnaws at me.

I know that there will be more to follow on this story, so stay tuned, and avoid the liberal media.  They will rot your brain with cover ups and lies.

Finally, and on another note, if you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Religion of Peace? Let's Do the Math Part 3

In parts 1 and 2 of Religion of Peace, Let's Do the Math, I spoke about the Kafir, the Koran political Islam, women and abuse, and I even cut and pasted the link to my novel, Jihad Joe which deals with terrorism and other ramifications of the religion of peace.  In this final part of the trilogy, I will be addressing aspects of the Koran that Muslims don't like to talk about to the nonbeliever.  I like to think of believers of Islam as the dangerously naive, and those of us who are nonbelievers, as rational, certainly more rational, than believers.  Of course, when I speak of nonbelievers, I'm not referring to believers in other religions, just in Islam, as Muslims refer to the rest of the world.  So let's get started.

1.  Jews. Ever wonder why Palestinians hate Israel? Because Israel is the Jewish state, which means Jews live there, and for Muslims, Jews are the worst of all people.  In fact, the Koran refers to Jews as apes and pigs, and for you Christians out there, in order not to feel left out, the Koran calls us pigs too.  But remember, there are effectively two Korans--the early Meccan Koran, and the later Medina Koran.  In Mecca, Mohammad had no real army and was weak, kind of like Obama.  In Medina, he had over ten thousand booty-hungry (meant in more than one way) desert dudes, and with such a large gang, was the tough guy. The Mecca Koran is filled with Jewish stories about Moses, Adam, and Noah, for example.  But once the annointed one got his camel jockeys to Medina, the stories in the Koran and the Hadith changed--every one was anti-Jew and actually was more anti-Jewish than Hitler's Mein Kampf.  The biggest difference between Hitler and Mohammad (not including M's love of camel urine for the treatment of many illnesses), was the fact that Hitler never praised the Jews in the beginning of Mein Kampf as Mohammad did in the Koran.
They blow up so fast

The numbers speak volumes--Meccan Koran is anti-Jew only 1% of all text, while Medina Koran was 17%. Sira is 12% of all text, while Hadith is 8.9%.  So the total text of the Koran, Hadith, and Sura was 9.3% anti-Semitic.  Mein Kampf was anti-Semitic 7.0% and this should tell you something about how Muslims view Jews.  I did not mention the anti-Christian sentiments and those religions and atheists who are not "People of the Book," which are Christians and Jews.

Islamic Comedian
2.  Jihad.  Now we're talking religion.  Now we're talking Islam--almost everyone knows about jihad because it's the jihadist dudes who are killing themselves to kill you.  And those who are willing to wait to die, are still doing what they can to kill us.  In terms of the Islamic trilogy--the Koran, Sira, and Hadith, jihad takes up a lot of ink.  In the Medina Koran, it's a whopping 24% and 9% of the total Koran.  Jihad takes up 21% of the Bukhari material, which is a Hadith, and hold on to your necks, my friend, because the Sira devotes 67% of its text to jihad.  Muslim apologists would have you believe that there are two kinds of jihad--"lesser jihad" or that jihad by the sword, and "greater jihad" or the kind of soap opera struggle of internal conflict that keeps you tuned into General Hospital day after day.  But greater jihad is never  mentioned anywhere in Islamic scripture--go figure--but this is what apologists tell you.  It's equivalent to the idea that Islam is a religion of peace.  Jihad by the sword is like Obama's use of the words, "fair and balanced;" they crawl all over his speeches--there is nothing peaceful about Islam so long as non Muslims walk this earth and have the freedom of speech that is at risk under the present administration.  

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     
 http://tinyurl.com/6p69cb7    FREE Smashwords version of “Conservatweets

SOTU Address: What Obama Didn't Say

Let's face it, Obama gives good speech.  He put an emphasis on certain words, an emphasis so powerful, I thought he was going to have an accident in his pants.  He said the right things, in part, the things he knew his constituency wanted to hear.  They applauded like obedient seals.   He even sounded a little like a Conservative when he said he would lower taxes--but if you listened carefully, it really sounded more like he planned to take the money from one pocket and put it in another.  It's Obama's "Three Card Monty" game, and many Americans bought into it.

More important, however, was what Obama did not say in his skivvy-soiling speech.  He never mentioned the atrocities going on in the world.  He didn't utter a word about those Islamic countries where non-Muslims were being killed for having been born into a different religion.  He forgot to talk about how, in a country whose king he bowed to, women were forbidden to drive, but were given the right to vote without a means of getting to the voting station.  He forgot to say how women had no choice but to wear the uniform of the theocracy's dictatorial clothing requirements.  How gays are summarily killed for the lifestyle that chose them, but that goes against Sharia, the Islamic law the Obama administration is treating as if it bore credence with our Constitution.  The differences between them are astronomical. 

He somehow also forgot to mention how he plans to support Israel after he threw the country under the proverbial bus when Bibi Netanyahu came here.  Obama is a president who clearly favors Islam over Israel, and as his autobiography points out, if push came to shove, he would support Islam in the end.  That's a paraphrase but an accurate one.  Remember, his father and step-father were Muslim, and Barry attended an Islamic school and was registered as a Muslim--if he is not a Muslim anymore, he could be killed.  If he wasn't a Muslim when registered, he could be a liar.

Canadian throws baseball better than Obama
Of course, it would have been nice, after claiming how much less dependent on foreign oil we are, to have discussed the Keystone XL pipeline.  Both sides of the aisle favored it, but he opposed it, and I would have enjoyed watching him squirm to defend his extremely poor decision.  I loved how the left applauded his 'green' ideas, which he said he would continue to support with or without the US backing it, but isn't that how he has operated since taking the throne--I mean office of President?  He has forsaken thousands of jobs both here and with our Canadian friends.  But does Obama really see Canada as a friend?  I believe Stephen Harper, the Canadian Prime Minister, is absolutely right in dealing with another country if we don't want to deal with Canada.  Obama hates oil, but has so many oily Chicago friends--it's very confusing.

If you listened carefully to Obama's rather cliched speech, (I was able to finish some of his sentences for him in part), you heard how he plans to continue spending on infrastructure--but for a few measly billion dollars in program funding, when did he mention serious budget cuts?  That's where the savings and deficit reduction will kick in, not with taxing successful businessmen.  And when did he mention his budget that he still has failed to produce?  Oh, he spoke about "the previous administration," but he refuses to shoulder any of the blame for his failed policies and poor fiscal judgment and after three plus years in office, continues pointing his finger at G.W. Bush.  I wonder how Bush was involved with the Solyndra scandal.

Our biggest threats
The thing that worries me the most is how naive liberals are--they have the attention span of retarded goldfish and will believe the last thing they heard from Obama, as if nothing happened in his administration up until now.  And the few goldfish who remember his missteps, and have lost faith in him, might vote for someone equally as inane on issues that threaten America's sovereignty--someone like Ron Paul.  I know there are a number of you reading this who are now angry with me for dissing Paul, but in my heart I believe that he is putting Constitution over common sense.  If anyone thinks that leaving Iran alone and allow it its freedom as we want freedom for ourselves, will find them whistling happy tunes as they develop their bomb and, Inshallah, will use it the first chance they get on Israel and us.  The last thing Americans will see is a blinding light and the last thing Ron Paul will say is, "Shit, I was wrong."  If a jihadist is willing to die to enter Paradise, why would it make a difference if he dies by a sword, a bullet, or a nuclear blast?  That's what jihadists do--it isn't suicide nor homicide--it's simply heaven.

So Obama didn't really talk about the loss of jobs, only about the fictional ones he created personally on his home computer with the help of Michele, who is no longer ashamed of us (we should be grateful for her new found fondness of her country). 

If Obama gets reelected, Obamacare will become permanent.  Socialism will flourish, our troops will droop, Islam will grow, the internet will be censored, and they will come to take me and my blog away.

At least Chris Matthews will have tingles running up his legs.  Perhaps I exaggerate, but not by much.

If you are interested in reading a novel about Islam, terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links below for both the hard copy (softcover) edition and the ebook edition of my latest novel.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a NY based reporter who is taken hostage by Islamic terrorists and must talk his way out of captivity before he is beheaded the following day. The clock is ticking.
If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     

Bibi orders "massive" counter-terror operation after bus bombings

We can thank G-d anti-Israel terrorists don't know how to tell time very well.  Explosive devices went off on Thursday night around 9 p....