Sunday, October 2, 2011

Obama Bashes GOP With a Lie

His Majesty Obama bashed the entire GOP presidential candidates saying they are guilty of "smallness" for failing to stand up for a gay U.S. service member who was booed by a few audience members at a GOP debate.

"We don't believe in the kind of smallness that says it's OK for a stage full of political leaders — one of whom could end up being the President of the United States — being silent when an American soldier is booed," Mr. Obama told a cheering crowd of gay and lesbian advocates Saturday night at the Human Rights Campaign's annual dinner in Washington. "We don't believe in standing silent when that happens. You want to be Commander-in-Chief? You can start by standing up for the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States, even when it's not politically convenient."

"I respect gay folk--hey, you don't know me"
But is this accurate? The few people who booed when the gay soldier asked his question, did not boo at his confession of being gay; they booed the question, which asked about the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. To hear Obama speak, one would think the entire GOP along with its audience, was booing the guy for being gay. They certainly did not and it was clear to anyone who saw the debate, except for Barack and the mainstream media.

When James Hoffa Jr. made his gangster comments in front of his union, just before Hussein Obama was to speak, our president said nothing when Hoffa said,  " . . . come November, we have to take these sons of bitches out."  Apparently, it's okay for liberals and unions to threaten the right, but if someone in a GOP debate audience boos, the president has a hissy fit and pretends the person who booed represents the candidates. How disingenuous, but Obama was never genuine a day in his adult life. 

He went on to add:

"We don't believe in a small America. We believe in a big America — a tolerant America, a just America, an equal America — that values the service of every patriot. We believe in an America where we're all in it together, and we see the good in one another, and we live up to a creed that is as old as our founding: E pluribus unum. Out of many, one. And that includes everybody."

Except we are not in it together with Obama because he is the most polarizing president this nation has ever known. And when he says that "we believe in a big America," what he really means is that 'he' believes in a big government--an intolerant government full of regulations and laws that benefit the few. When he says that "we believe in an America where we're all in it together, and we see the good in one another," what he is really saying is that he wants to share the wealth--redistribute it to those who have not earned it, so that those who achieve the most are taxed the most, and treated unfairly. He punishes success and rewards sloth. 

He is not available to the American people as a leader right now. He in not working as President. He is campaigning because his self-interests come first, although he would tell you that is not so. A person who honestly cared about this country would be working to solve its problems, not dividing us with his lying rhetoric.

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