Saturday, October 1, 2011

Al-Awlaki Gets His Virgins Earlier Than He Expected

Calling all virgins
Schmutz happens. It's especially nice when it happens to lizard-brains like Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born jihadist who was responsible for recruiting such scumbags as Nadal Hasan of Fort Hood fame, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab of flaming balls of fire fame, and many others, too stupid and evil to mention. Now we have liberals, as well as Ron Paul, and Gary Johnson who worry that the poor guy didn't have the opportunity of having a fair trial and killing him was unconstitutional. 

Death drones on
I understand that the Constitution is the law of the land. It is the best government document along with the Bill of Rights, ever written. The fact that Awlaki was killed without due process of law simply means we are not correctly interpreting the law, or the law needs to be tweaked as times have changed. I suggest that anyone, American or foreign born, who actively seeks to kill Americans for the sake of a religious or political agenda, is an enemy of the state and a military combatant. If this person is an American, it stands to reason he or she is committing treason and treason should be grounds for excommunication of citizenship and all civil liberties that go with it.The legal mumbo jumbo that liberals tout as reasons to allow terrorists to continue committing terrorism, while they hold hands and sing kumbayah, is what gets innocent people killed. 

Secret pals
Awlaki and his cohort scumbags deserve to have the same justice dealt upon them as they called for to be dealt upon our innocent victims. We need to see terrorism as a real war--not a war on terror, since you can't have a war on a tactic, but a war on Islamic extremists. I have to give Obama kudos for this one--while he slept, a drone took out some garbage. Obama will get the credit, and that's okay with me--if it was a Republican in office, I would have given that person the credit too, so I cannot take it away from our king in chief.

But we cannot stop here. We need to know that we are at the cusp of a giant jihad that will continue to affect the world. We cannot pretend that our enemy are a few misguided people. The enemy is the orthodoxy of a religion, that, when practiced in orthodox style, is perverse..

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