Saturday, October 1, 2011

Giving Away the House

Everyone knows our economy is in the tank, jobs are at a low, and we are on the brink of a recession (unless you're like me and believe we're already there). Our country's debt is so bad, it makes waiting for Bluto to pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today, a good deal.

So why are we giving foreign aid to over 150 countries? Why are we giving $50 to $60 billion in foreign aid when we don't really have it? We're giving over $100 million each to countries like Kenya, Tanzania Nigeria, and Ruwanda. Why? We even give to ten countries who own a significant portion of our debt and we give to China and Russia. China could buy us, and we're giving them money.

But my biggest WTF is that we give $550 million in direct aid to the Palestinians. That's about $250 per person, or around $1500 per average household. On top of that, we give around $2.5 million to the United Nations, and you know what they must do with that money when it comes to Islamic charity, not to mention the personal charities of the Palestinian authority folks and corrupt dictators who pocket the money for themselves. I don't believe we give any foreign aid to our ally, Israel--now that's just Obama for ya.

We are a charitable nation. Our country gives away about $450 billion a year in charity, of which $150 billion comes from churches. Of these donations, $50-$100 million goes directly to individuals with need, rather than administration costs (bribes, etc.). Our country also has an imbalance in our world trade in which we have a deficit of around $250 billion and foreign nations make a profit from us. Why isn't this enough? This is the same as foreign aid and it does the same thing to create good relationships.

This has got to stop. It's crazy and it's hurting our economy. How can we expect to make up for a debt that is so huge, that to count that high one dollar at a time, would take 32 thousand years, just for the first trillion? Okay, that's worth another WTF.

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