Monday, October 17, 2011

Anarchy Adrift in a Sea of Sex, Drugs, and Anti-Semitism

 Occupy Wall Street protestors, "God bless them," Nancy Pelosi said. Yes, the Democratic left of the Democratic party is now being blessed by the lady who used US Air Force jets to fly herself and her friends around the country as they drank thousands and thousands of dollars worth of booze, burned thousands and thousands of pounds of jet fuel, and paid the salaries of pilots and crew all on your tax dollars. Pelosi is like a slightly homlier version of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, but she is just as mindless. But sadly enough, the media, that even includes Fox News, is not reporting all that is taking place at most of these 'gone global' demonstrations--specifically, anti-Semitism. These video are only two of many that prove this to be the case, and it isn't pretty. Why is it that the Jews are always the group that gets singled out as the devils of the universe?
  There are many videos on Youtube showing the anti-Semitism being expressed by these semi-literate, unwashed, angry protestors. Some of these people got paid to rant. Obama, the community organizer, is not opposing this community event. I wonder why.
Soros the Palindrome
I believe some of the anger comes the envy of the have-nots for the haves. I also believe that some of those at these protests are not just kids protesting simply to have something to do, but are chronic anarchists who hate anyone having money and authority, and of course, there are Jews who do. Then there are those who use anti-Semitism as a strategy--people like George Soros, who happens to be a Hungarian-born atheist of Jewish origin, who is so far left that his Rolex thinks his deodorant hasn't quit yet. Soros has given tons of money to Obama's 2008 campaign and continues to fund leftist movements like and Code Pink, which are funding OWS. But there are other supporters beside Obama, Soros, Pelosi, and Wasserman Schultz. The American Nazi Party, Socialist Party USA, and Communist Party USA are all supporting OWS. Perhaps this accounts for some of the anti-Semitic sentiments not being reported by Fox, et al. But whatever the cause for these anti-Semitic expressions, I find it extremely sad because it defines our nation in the spirit that Obama defined it--we are no better nor worse than other nations of the world--and when I think of that, I think of those Islamic nations that would wish to see Israel, and all the Jews in the world, be pushed into the sea.

And that is not who we are as Americans.                                                                   

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