Sunday, October 16, 2011

Uganda Hussein Obama

Kony and Crew
President Obama is sending troops, once more in harm`s way, to Uganda. He said he wouldn`t send troops to fight in Libya, but Uganda is okay, because, according to him, these are special forces that will only be there for a month, and it`s a humanitarian mission. The key difference from Libya, is that Joseph Kony, the leader of the Lord`s Resistance Army, only has a few hundred troops and thus, the scale is much smaller. He is alleged to commit murder, rape, and sex slavery of the Ugandese and the troops are to be used to train them to use resist this army.     

To his credit, Obama is reacting to a humanitarian need in this African nation. People are at the mercy of the merciless militant and people are dying.  Children are recruited by Kony and made to kill their own parents--if they refuse, they are themselves, mutilated. This level of brutality is very similar to what eventuated in Iraq and Saddam Hussein (as in Barack's middle name, coincidentally, being he is non-Muslim unlikeSaddam). While the left kept screaming how W was Hitleresque, Obama is seen as more MLKesque. The unfortunate use of these types of comparisons, calling Bush a Hitler, diminishes the atrocities Hitler committed. It is a perverse, somewhat promiscuous use of language and I hope it stops.

Soddam Insane
Did the left ever consider the fact that, while no weapons of mass destruction were immediately found in Iraq, the one weapon of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein, was eventually found. Did the left forget what this monster did to his own people and the Kurds? Did they consider the horrors of his regime? But nothing Bush did was ever good. He was the embodiment of evil. According to the liberals, Bush was Hitler with a twang.

So let's support Obama's decision with Uganda, but let's keep the pressure going, to get every sane person you know of voting age, to make him a one-term wonder.  It makes you wonder why anyone ever voted for someone they never really knew.                              

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