Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Real Memorial Day for Me

I've been spending the day watching the memorial events on TV of 9-11. It'ssurreal, to use a word that has been used dozens of times already today. I just watched the piece on the AP photographer, Richard Drew, who shot the picture of "The Falling Man." It was so sad, to think of the choice that it was better to jump to one's death, than to stay in the building. I can only begin to imagine the horror a person must feel in those seconds when your life is about to end.

On Twitter this morning, there was a tweet by US Reality Check, an obviously liberal media site, that said that the New York GOP was exploiting the 9-11 anniversary by sending Islamophic mailer to NY voters in NY special election today. I tweeted them back saying that there is no such condition as Islamophobia--it's a term invented by CAIR, (the Council on American and Islamic Relations--an unindicted co-conspirator of the Holy Land Foundation trials), and the term is used to discourage free discourse about Islam and its direct relationship to terrorism. It's interesting that US Reality Check mentioned this GOP mailer, but never mentioned the Eric Holder refusal to indict CAIR when he had the chance most recently--he decided not to pursue it-perhaps he had his hands full with Operation Fast and Furious.

But I don't want to rant today. I want to remember those people, all 2977 of them, who died ten years ago today. I want to remember who did this to our country and I do not want to forgive them.

The NFL just played Taps and a man who looks a bit like Keith Olberman, is singing the National Anthem--imagine Olberman actually singing the National Anthem, I can't--but this guy just sang his heart out. It almost brings me to tears; it was so real, so heartfelt. 

Have a peaceful day, dear readers.                

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