Friday, August 5, 2011

Talking Points

"Bloodbath on Wall Street". "The Tea Party is just a bunch of terrorists, holding the nation hostage, with a gun to their heads".  "Acting like grown ups". "Eat your peas". "Hobbits."  Here's one from Moron Dowd:
New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd on Wednesday continued to ramp up the newspaper’s vitriolic attacks against Tea Party conservatives, bizarrely describing them as “cannibals” “zombies” and “vampires.”

These are the talking points being used by the mouth-breathing left who need to create scary images of the right because their side cares less about facts and more about Kumbayah, hand-holding, and intentions. The left create social welfare programs that are ineffective, but sound good, Head Start programs that don't improve anything except, perhaps on paper, and policies that on the surface seem all cuddly and warm, but when you actually think about it, are totally unfair and yes, socialist, like the Dream Act. How fair is it to be an American citizen, living in a state and having to pay out of state tuition to a college when an illegal alien is allowed to go to this college from out of state and pay the tuition rate of a state resident? What part of 'illegal' do Democrats not understand? Why are illegal aliens even allowed to stay here illegally, collect benefits that we taxpayers shell out, and take jobs from those of us who live here 'legally'? It only makes sense if you agree with a socialist state--that is, if you agree with Obama.

It doesn't matter if leftist policies fail, jobs decline, entitlement programs morph into black holes that cannot suck enough--like the mental health programs, for example, with their bureaucratic balderdash statistics, pretending to be making "progress" in the lives of people that they are designed to "help." What matters is that their intentions were good.  Of course, if you look at what motivates the left to create these programs, it isn't really good intentions, the real purpose is to serve as Democratic vote magnets. And while serving this purpose, the left can smugly assert that they are the morally superior because they really "care" about their fellow human beings, while the Tea Party and the right, are terrorists who are holding this nation hostage. 

They dilute the power of words. They are no different from those back in the days of Bush (pick either one) when they used the H Bomb to spread fear. Everyone who believed in the free market was a Hitler and some of these leftists actually believed in some of what they said. Even back then, the media was on the left. Even back before this time, the New York Times was defending Soviet spies like Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs, but today, the media is so far over to the left, it's hard to tell them from Obama's administration. 

The one thing the left hates to be called is hypocritical. They have a hissy-fit if you say that they are hypocritical because they need to say that to you first, and you beat them to it. Obama and his 50th birthday was a fund-raising event--everything with him is a fund-raising event--when he takes a dump, he probably sells it as magical fertilizer and uses the proceeds for his 2012 campaign. He is more concerned with winning in 2012, the country can go to hell in a hand basket while he's campaigning and using your tax money to fund it. "But he's the President of the United States of America," Jay Carney says in his defense. If Obama had his way, he'd be President of the United Socialist States of America.

If you ask yourself the question, what scares the people on the Hill about the Tea Party movement, you might find the answer in their mission statement:
·         "The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets".    The idea that those who are paying for government would actually want their money to be used effectively and not haphazardly, and that the law of the land, as written in the US Constitution, should actually be taken as the letter of the law and thus be taken seriously, and that government should not take over all aspects of our lives and should be limited, as Jefferson suggested, scares the empty suits in Washington. They might be held accountable for their spending--like the Pelosi Air Force jet parties that cost us $2.4 million,, or Holder's failure to prosecute members of CAIR, a Muslim Brotherhood organization fronting as a civil rights organization, or Republicans in name only (RINOs) who are elected to represent our values but are so entrenched in the Washington political machine that they vote like Democrats.  These clowns are afraid of the Tea Party because like any employee who screws up, they might find themselves asking the question: "Would you like fries with that order?"

So don't let the liberal bs talking points throw you off your own points, which, if you're a conservative, make more sense than their nonsense. The Constitution is not, as Obama said, a flawed document. The fact that our founding fathers had the foresight to allow for its amending proves that. The democratic process is not merely a tedious necessity--it's put there to keep potential tyrants like Obama in line. And unlike Michelle Obama, her husband's election was not the first time in my life that I was proud of my country--I have always been proud of my country and once we get rid of Barack Hussein Obama and his "transparent lies," I will know that all is well in Mudville--mighty Obama has struck out.

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