Sunday, August 7, 2011

Obama is as Qualified to run USA as Stevie Wonder is to Drive the Indy 500

There is nothing exceptional about the United States. The Constitution of the United States of America is the problem because it forces people with different perspectives to sit down and try to negotiate. For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.

Barack Obama, Cokie Roberts, and Michelle Obama each spoke these sentiments, respectively. I paraphrased them, but the words are accurate in describing their views on America, how liberals view it's greatest and most sacred document, and how they feel about this country.

Why does the American public vote for liberals? Well, here's a quote that may help explain: "How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."   The same person who said these words, also said:  "I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few."  Was it Obama who said these words? No, but the philosophy seems to be key to his thinking. These were the words of Adolf Hitler, the hero of Islamists world-wide.  "Islam is a religion of peace.  We will never be at war with Islam," these were Obama's words. Is he out of touch or is he the least transparent president this country ever had?  He spent about $1.4 million in legal fees to stay opaque, in spite of what he said about being transparent.

The liberals count on people not thinking, but feeling; using emotion rather than rationality;  singing "Kumbayah" rather than "The National Anthem."  With the failure of Obama's administration, the failure to keep any of his promises, and one would think the liberals would ditch him like rats on a sinking ship, but they don't really care that he has no clue about what he's doing; or that he ran and hid at Camp David when the Dow plunged 512 points; or that he had no concrete plan.  They only care that he has good intentions--at least they "feel" he does, and that's all that matters.  Obama cares about people--except for those of us who actually make a decent salary. He wants us to share it with those who are out of work, people who need cell phones, and those who want to get free birth control from your insurance premiums.  He cares about illegal aliens and even calls them "undocumented immigrants," which is the same as calling a drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist."  But the truth is, Obama cares about people's votes, not people as individuals.  And what would Michelle think if her husband didn't get elected?  Would she have not been proud of her country--ever? 

So now that the American Communist Party is endorsing Barack Obama he can be assured of at least another 70 thousand commie votes.  As it stands, he will be getting the socialist vote, the gay vote (ever notice that nothing is known about his sex life prior to Michelle?), and the mindless "his heart is in the right place" vote--even though his heart is made from Ben and Jerry's "Chunky Monkey" (oh damn, now I'm going to be accused of being racist by  liberals when all I should be accused of is trying in vain to be funny).  We can only hope that people on the left will realize that our country, while it has flaws, is the best of all the flawed nations in the world, and they will know that voting for Obama is voting for a person who doesn't see America as anything exceptional; anything better than any other country.  That voting for him is a vote for a person who refuses to identify our enemies, and support our friends.  Voting for him is voting for the only American president who bowed to kings, and who is an embarrassment to the office of President of the United States of America.

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