Saturday, August 20, 2011


Is it's bad luck that got us into this economic mess? And when we rise from the muck and mire of a failed economy, 9.1% unemployment, an enemic growth rate of 0.9% and an outlook so bleak that it makes the Great Depression look like a small glitch, will Obama then attribute the turnaround to good luck?  Of course not. He can take credit but cannot accept blame. He can say Republicans only care more about being re-elected than they care about the country, while he campaigns on a Canadian-built bus after promising jobs and a plan to follow in September.

Obama, in his Keynesian economics, threw $1 trillion in make-believe stimulus at the problem and reaped not what he sowed, and blamed it on bad luck. It was Japan and the tsunami, the Arab Spring, floods, locusts, but it had nothing to do with his leadership, or lack thereof. His plan was to regulate, regulate, regulate, and somehow that would scare manufacturers into hiring more people--I call that schizonomics. It doesn't even make sense. 

President as role model
For a president who said that his goal was to bring the country together, he has demonized the right, and then denies doing it. He claims that some Americans, (and you know who you are), do not care about their country. These people in Congress, and he doesn't mean Democrats, care more about their re-election and serve their special interests and lobbyists, and place their Republican (there, I've said it if he wont) party ahead of country. In other words, Obama called them traitors without using the word--Perry called Bernanke a traitor straight away--and the media gave the president a free pass while attacking Perry. But that's what the leftist press does.

For Obama to call Republicans treasonous is not only disgusting, it's balderdash. If Republicans, Tea Party people alike, were only interested in their political careers, they would have never voted for the Medicare reform budget and risked losing their constituency. That's called political courage, something the Democrats need to learn.  With his three years as president, Obama has refused to propose even one entitlement reform, and he continues to lead from behind, where the air isn't as crisp and clear.

Let's hope that after his vacation at Martha's Vineyard he will have a plan to put people back to work, and help an economy that he helped to destroy. I suspect his plan will be more of the same--stimulate the economy by printing more money or borrowing it from China, raise taxes, bitch about corporate jet owners, and regulate big business out of the big business business. 

And of course, let's not forget whining.


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