Monday, August 22, 2011

Vacationing for the Good of the Country

Looking over column A
While President Obama is vacationing at Martha's Vineyard our Vice President is sort of vacationing in China. He's posing with Chinese officials, hanging out with Suma wrestlers, and having what looks like, a hellova lotta fun.

Hillary Clinton is minding the store, I guess, and that might be a good thing for the country because keeping Obama at bay and far away is good for the economy. In the meanwhile, Libya's Muammar Qadaffi is nowhere to be found and Syria's Assad still has a weak chin as he kills his own people in the streets. Obama sucks on a five dollar vanilla ice cream cone and continues to shoot basketball scores in his 9 holes of golf, and throws Biden IQ scores in his bowling.  

The good thing is that Obama plans to grace us with a solution to the nation's unemployment  .  .  .  in September.   I just love a surprise, but why is he waiting? What is the rationale? Does he really have a plan, or is he just stalling?

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