Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rick Perry and Islam

In less than a year and a half, the American people are going to elect a president. If we are smart, and I believe we are, the person who will be called "President" will be a Republican. If we are cautious, and I believe we tend not to be, I believe we might elect a president who will harbor sympathies for people associate with terrorist organizations that threaten our country. I am concerned that we often tend to vote with our emotions, not our intellect. Rick Perry is a handsome, presidential-looking guy and has accomplished some excellent things for Texas, including the number one priority for the state, and now the country--jobs. Of course the Democrats want to take that away from him and credit the oil industry and Obama for that success, but that's just nonsense.

But what isn't nonsense is the fact that Perry has a substantial constituency of Muslims in his state, and constituencies can often lead to strange bedfellows. I am not accusing him of being sympathetic to Islamists (that is, orthodox Muslims who follow the premises of jihad, which calls for the victory over the infidels and the establishment of a world caliphate--you know, no big deal other than our than our total destruction); what I am suggesting however, is that we need to address questions to him about how he sees Islam. Will he view Islam as Hussein Obama does: "Islam is a religion of peace--we will never be at war with Islam," kind of glossing over the fact that we already are at war with Islamic terrorism, and the views held by orthodox Muslims in this regard.  We must also recall that GW Bush made a similar statement about Islam being a religion of peace, and he also had difficulty saying the word "nuclear." 

Daniel Greenfield, in his excellent article, explores this issue along with another possible presidential candidate, Chris Christy. It's an interesting, albeit scary read.
Rick Perry and Islam

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