Monday, September 2, 2024

IDF struck Hamas command center in former Gaza school

The Israeli Defense Force struck Hamas terrorists at a command room located inside a former school in Gaza City. 

Hamas was using the Safad School in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City to carry out terrorist attacks and the airstrike specifically targeted the command room. Of course, the Palestinian media claims the room was being used as a shelter for poor displaced Gazans.

As typical of the IDF, "many steps" were taken, including the use of precision munitions, aerial surveillance, and other intelligence, to minimize civilian harm.

“The Hamas terror organization systematically violates international law, brutally exploiting civilian institutions and the population as a human shield for terror activity,” the military adds.

In recent months, dozens of airstrikes have been carried out against Hamas sites embedded within schools, UNRWA sites, and other sites used as shelters for civilians, according to the IDF.

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