Monday, September 2, 2024

Kamala Harris unveils a new 'accent' at Detroit rally

Kamala Harris is as real as the online Nigerian princess who needs your monetary help. She was in Detroit on Monday, and for her Labor Day event, unveiled a new "accent" as she pandered to blue-collar union workers in the hope of getting their votes in the November presidential election.

"You better thank a union member for the five-day work week," Harris told the crowd with a noticeable "Foghorn Leghorn type of shift in the way words came out of her mouth. "You better thank a union member for sick leave. You better thank a union member for paid leave. You better thank a union member for vacation time."

You can see for yourself in the video  by conservative X account Johnny Maga, and come up with your own conclusion. You must see it for the cringe and the giggles--yours, not hers this time.

"This is her seventh new accent in four weeks," Trump senior advisor Stephen Miller reacted. "She has literally never used this accent before. She grew up in Canada. Phoniest politician in all of politics."

That being said, it's a close call between Harris and Hillary Clinton whose accent also had handbag props to go along with it.

"All of politics is a performance to Kamala Harris," GOP strategist Matt Whitlock said. "She changes fake accents like she changes policy positions and political personas. Today she’s talking in a fake southern accent, pretending to be a moderate. Next week she’ll be back to San Francisco liberal."

"There are countless traits that I despise in humans, few as much as inauthenticity," professor and podcast host Gad Saad wrote.

But I think it was Daffy Duck who said it best about people like Harris when he said, "You're desshhpicable."

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