Thursday, March 21, 2024

POLL: Hamas and Gazans, same old, same old mindset

A poll taken Wednesday, March 20, was released by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research. It finds declining levels of support for Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Judea Samaria [aka the West Bank]. However, the percentage of those who support terrorism and the October 7 massacre of Israelis, saying it was "correct" is basically unchanged.

The survey shows that more than 7 out of 10 Gazans and the West Bank (71%) support the barbaric Oct. 7 murders, rapes, mutilation, torture and burning of Jewish women, children, babies and men, in the attack that killed over 1,200 people and kidnapped 253 others. Back in December, the support for this barbarism was 72%. a full 1% higher--virtually the same if you understand statistics. 

While the overall figure remained steady, support for atrocities increased from 57% to 71% in Gaza the past three months and dipped from 82% to 71% in the West Bank.

In addition to supporting the terrorist group, respondents gave high marks to the senior Hamasshole in Gaza Yahya Sinwar regarding his conduct in the war, with 61% approving. This was down from 69% in December, but that's still a significant number of scumbags who want genocide of the Jews while pretending it's the other way around.

Yahya Sinwar

When asked who Palestinians would vote for [if they actually had elections] if elections were held today, a plurality of 30% still say Hamas, while 14% would vote for Palestinian Authority President and Holocaust denier, Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah movement. Six percent say they'll back a third party and 36% say they won't vote.

So far, Sen. Chuck Schumer nor any Democrat has asked the Palestinians to not vote for Hamas or Fatah, although the senator from New York voiced his strong opinion to have Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voted out of office, even while Israelis support him in his war efforts and Schumer is not in a position to tell the democratic Jewish State what to do.

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