Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Media mum on Palestinian public opinion poll

The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PCPSR) published results of its quarterly survey on March 20, 2024, less than a week ago. The questions explored the sentiments felt in the Palestinian society about Israel, the war in Gaza, Palestinian politics, and the international community.

Funny, but in spite of the media's attention to the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza as well as Judea and Samaria, and with Western leaders trying to negotiate a ceasefire and two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians who want them all dead, the survey was not covered by all of the mainstream media. This was especially the case with media outlets that tend to favor Hamas over Israel, and tend to not even mention the hostage situation.

For those media outlets outside of Israel that did cover it, (NewsweekThe New YorkerNBC News, and USA Today) they only reported on certain results and ignored results less favorable to the Palestinians.
New poll from PCPSR regarding Palestinian opinion in the West Bank and Gaza.

PCPSR is a reputable source for Palestinian public opinion according to most experts.

This thread 🧵 will highlight the shocking resultshttps://t.co/t4VkezMidp

— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom)
NBC News only highlighted how support for Hamas has dropped among Palestinians in Gaza and Judea and Samaria [aka West Bank]. They reported that Gazan support for "armed struggle" dropped while the support for the two-state solution has risen.

The New Yorker gave a similar report noting that the apparent promising results about the lower support for "armed struggle," and rise in support for a two-state solution among Gazans.

But this is what is known as misleading, crappy reporting.

See, even though support for Hamas has dropped within Palestinian society,  it is still the organization with the most support among Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank, and its support in the West Bank is still 20% higher than it was in September 2023 (before the October 7 attack and subsequent Israeli war against Hamas).

A question in the survey was also asked as to who the Palestinians would vote for if another election was held today. Guess what, Hamas still has the most support among the Palestinian electorate, and still polls higher today than it did in September 2023 (30% in March 2024 versus 21% in September).
Overall, Palestinians want Hamas back in power in Gaza, by a strong majority. pic.twitter.com/QGdQCOA5pz

— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) March 20, 2024
The mainstream media forgot to mention that.

And while it may be true that support of "armed struggle" has dropped among those surveyed, it's still supported by the majority of respondents in Gaza along with Judea and Samaria.

As both NBC News and the New Yorker noted, support for a two-state solution has risen among Palestinian respondents in Gaza.

But a two-state solution would only put the Israel-hating Palestinians within closer striking distance to Israel, and Hamas, along with other terrorist groups, have promised to never stop fighting until every last Jews is dead.

For more about the survey results, go here.

Ironically, in Gaza where support for a two-state solution has increased from 52% to 62%, survey respondents opposed restarting negotiations for a two-state solution.

It's likely that a so-called two-state solution is more like the final solution, and we know how that worked out for the Jews.

The media, in general, has failed the public by ignoring what makes them uncomfortable [aka the truth]. They need to provide them with a total picture even when it's the ugly truth.

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