Monday, February 26, 2024

Is Chat GPT4 bias, or just a Democrat?

I recently got a subscription to Chat GPT4 and noticed there was what appeared to be a bias in the answers I received for certain politically-charged questions. Let me share with you one of the questions I posed and you can make up your own mind. 

Comments within the response are mine and only my opinion, and are within [brackets] for easy recognition and should not be taken as that of the leftist programmers.

[ME]: who was more harmful to society, Adolf Hitler or Benjamin Netanyahu?

[AI CHAT BOT]: As a neutral and objective assistant, [LOL] it is important to recognize that both individuals have elicited a wide range of opinions and perspectives. Adolf Hitler was responsible for instigating World War II and implementing genocidal policies that led to the deaths of millions of people [most of whom were Jewish--let's be specific] during the Holocaust. His actions and ideology have been widely condemned as some of the most catastrophic in human history.

[Consider who does not condemn Hitler--these are generally the same people as Hamas, Hezbollah and all other anti-Semites.]

On the other hand, Benjamin Netanyahu has been a polarizing figure due to his policies and actions as the Prime Minister of Israel. [He is especially reviled for fighting back after Israel was attacked on Oct. 7, in which over 1,200 Jews were killed, others tortured, raped, burned, mutilated and such]. While some view his leadership as formidable and beneficial for the state of Israel, others criticize his approach towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, [and especially fighting back and kicking butt] his handling of domestic issues, and his influence on Israeli society and politics.

Ultimately, it is important to consider the historical context, social impact, and consequences of their actions in assessing their respective harm to society.

[Ultimately, Chat GPT4 left out colorful detail about Hamas' beheadings, and killing of infants, babies and older children. Ultimately, there is no comparison between Hitler/anti-Semitism-Jihad versus Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But somehow AI has made Adolf "the softer side of slaughter".]

You may or may not like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but there is hardly a comparison of him against one of the most evil people in history,

So there you have it. Now we must ask ourselves whether we need to be worried about AI being used to indoctrinate our children. My opinion is yes, be worried; be very worried.

What do you think? Please feel free to comment.

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