Thursday, February 1, 2024

Fox News host calls MSNBC'sJoy Reid's "F Bomb" example of her 'fraudulent' views being exposed

Who knew that MSNBC's far-left racist and homophobic host, Joy Reid, was also a closet Biden basher?

Reid was caught on a hot mic dropping an "F-bomb" and was cursing and apparently targeting a senile and demented old man who lives in a White House and still claims his son Beau died in Iraq, is buried in Normandy, and was a war hero.

Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany and now a Fox News host, explained her frustration with Reid's "lack of journalistic integrity" on "Jesse Watters Primetime," saying her views appear to be "completely different" from what she broadcasts to her audience.

Well, that's true for sure at least when considering her homophobic remarks she made on her now deleted blog, and what she claims to believe today.

But McEnany went further and blasted Reid for her lack of journalistic integrity and the fact that she talks out of both sides of her mouth:
Completely different, fraudulent. This is the network that pumps Biden over and over and over. It's the preferred network of the administration, I would argue. They send their surrogates out there all the time. And here's what she's saying behind the scenes? This guy's going to start another war, and this is who she's peddling? It is so beneath any line of journalistic integrity. Joy Reid, we know she's never been anywhere close to that, and then you get to Scarborough, saying 'Joe Biden's engaged, full of energy.' Who has ever said that? No one, except the drunk guy at the bar.
But the same Joe Scarborough says Donald Trump wants to execute his generals. Donald Trump wants to use Seal Team Six to execute his opponents. No, that was something a judge put forward as a hypothetical, nothing that Trump said. But they don't play Trump, so you'd never know if he said it or not.
On Monday's installment of MSNBCs "The ReidOut," Reid dropped an F-bomb during a monologue attacking the Republicans that she had accused of "taking credit" for bills they voted against but were passed by Democrats and signed into law by the president. She blasted the GOP obstruction of an immigration bill being mulled behind the scenes "for the sake of Donald Trump."

"Over the weekend, President Biden said he's ready to take action if Congress is serious about solving the border issue," the far left Reid told her handful of viewers.

MSNBC then cut to Biden's remarks, which were abruptly interrupted by Reid's voice on a hot mic.

"Starting another f---in' war," Reid could be heard saying with a chuckle before her audio was immediately cut.

Perhaps she'll claim her microphone was hacked by undercover conservatives.

Cutting back to Reid mid-sentence, she then appeared to accuse Trump of "still trying to kill the deal" before carrying on with the rest of her bull crap.

Towards the end of the show, Reid once again gave an apology to viewers for the "'behind the scenes' chatter" they heard. 

It was "chatter." It was uncensored thoughts of Joy Reid and any intelligent person would know that; so I suspect her audience won't catch on. 

This is a network that is too far left to even allow former President Trump's speeches to be heard, save for the pieces they often cut out of context.

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