Friday, February 16, 2024

Alexandria Obviously-Comatose praises our barely sentient POTUS

Appearing on the Comedy News Network (CNN) last Tuesday, comedienne congresswoman Alexandria Obviously-Comatose (Socialist-NY) said that in her learned opinion, Joe Biden is "one of the most successful presidents in modern American history" although she admitted that she isn't an expert in history, American or otherwise. 

She apparently also doesn't understand the definition of successful.

AOC, as fans call her, discounted the fact that Biden is 81 and pointed to the fact that his likely opponent in the 2024 election, Donald Trump, is 77-year-old, "and that's like almost the same age, right?"

“I think right now, when it comes to the president’s age, folks, are talking about how he’s 81. But we have to look at, first of all, Donald Trump is around the same age. They could have gone to high school together. And beyond that, Donald Trump has 91 indictments.” Joe just never got caught until now.

The former bartender then went all out for the house plant POTUS praising him to the sky.

“I know who I’m going to choose — it’s going to be one of the most successful presidents in modern American history,” she said, knowing that if he somehow pulls it off in November and gets a second term, she will benefit from kissing up to him . . . and Joe Biden likes kissing and sniffing.

“[He] passed the inflation reduction that got us the American Rescue Plan that ensured that we could pass one of the largest federal investments in climate change in US history.”

The inflation reduction hasn't actually reduced inflation, but the act identifies as if it does.

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