Thursday, February 8, 2024

After Haley loses Nevada, says "Trump rigged it"

Former Republican and current mystery, Nikki Haley spoke in an interview Wednesday regarding her loss to "none of these candidates" in the GOP presidential primary. She said that the process was "rigged" by former President Donald J. Trump.

It's amazing how some people claim that he's incompetent, but these same folks believe he can cause the planted to heat, the tides to rise, and half the nation rise up in an insurrection. Now we have a so called Republican presidential hopeful who blames Trump for a "rigged" Arizona primary. 

Haley won 31% of the vote in the state, while 63% of those who participated in the primary chose “None of These Candidates,” with 89% of the vote counted, according to The New York Times. No delegates are awarded in the state’s primary, only the state’s caucus, which she didn't sign up for.

When asked if the loss to the none vote “hurt,” Haley responded: “No, I mean, Nevada, it’s such a scam. They were supposed to have a primary. Trump rigged it so that the GOP chairman, who’s been indicted, would go and create a caucus. We knew months ago that we weren’t going to spend a day or a dollar in Nevada, because it wasn’t worth it.”

C'mon, Nikki. Be real.

“And so we didn’t even count Nevada. That wasn’t anything we were looking at,” she said. “We knew that was rigged from the start. Our focus is on South Carolina, Michigan, and Super Tuesday. So, if you look what we did in Iowa and you look at what we did in New Hampshire, we’re continuing to grow. That’s what matters, I think, more than anything else.”

“But look at what happened this week,” she continued. “Here you have, Republicans lost a major vote on the border, Republicans lost a major vote on Israel. Donald Trump was found that he will not have immunity in all of these court cases coming up. The RNC chair is fired. All of this chaos is happening around us and Donald Trump’s fingerprints are on every bit of it. We can’t continue as the Republican Party to go forward with this chaos. You don’t defeat Democrat chaos with Republican chaos. And that’s why we’ve got to see a change.”

I liked her when she was our ambassador to the U.N. She stood her ground against the Islamic anti-Semites and refused to back down and side with them against Israel.

But that was then and this is now.

I suspect she's thinking that Trump may be in enough legal trouble, perhaps even in prison, and she could just waltz right in and be the candidate. I don't think she really knows Trump and his magic tricks.

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