Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Nancy "Dancing Dentures" Pelosi blasts Trump for 'cognitive' issue, then mixes up Biden with Trump

You can't make this stuff up. First our barely sentient President Biden attacked former President Trump for seeming to mix up Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi. Now we have Pelosi challenging Trump's cognitive abilities and got him confused with Joe Biden. 

The former House Speaker said she wouldn't get involved with discussing Trump's "cognitive disorders" on Tuesday before briefly confusing President Biden with 'The Donald.'

MSNBC's comrade Rachel Maddow asked Pelosi about Trump's attempt to attack the former speaker over the response to Jan. 6, but appeared to confuse Pelosi with GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley. "We’ve heard what Nikki Haley thought about that, that confusion, that mistake by Donald Trump. But I don’t know what you thought about it, and I’m curious," comrade Maddow said.

Pelosi said she wouldn't spend too much time on Trump's "cognitive disorders" before having a brief slip-up herself.

"Well, let me just say, I’m not going to spend too much time on Donald Trump’s cognitive disorders," she said. "He tried to say that Nikki Haley did not allow the National Guard to come, but it was Nancy Pelosi. It was nobody. It was Joe – it was Donald Trump. He knows, and you know, that Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and I begged for hours for the National Guard to come."

The slip-up of "Joe's" name is likely an unconscious trigger based upon Biden's obvious cognitive decline. It's therefore easy to confuse him with someone who she was trying to blame for the slip-up. 

"He knows that we don’t have the authority to bring the national guard, the president does. Sad to say to the District of Columbia, because every other state, the governor has that power. So, I’m more concerned about what he was trying to accuse her of, and again, his many misrepresentations. But don’t spend so much time on him. We don’t agonize about him," Pelosi said, her hands nearly a blur as her dentures did the Electric Slide.

So we have the pot calling the kettle cognitively impaired. Nancy Pelosi is not a rocket surgeon, that's for sure.

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