Monday, January 1, 2024

It’s obvious Biden’s brain is chopped liver as he screws up Times Square appearance on ABC

"That smell is familiar"

I’ve been to the New Year’s Eve Times Square ball-drop once in my life as a young man. I was born and raised in New York City and believed I owed it to myself to have gone at least once in my life. It was cold, over-hyped, standing in an anus-to-belly button crowd and it sucked for me. I cannot speak for others whose dreams are to go there for the festivities, but once was enough for me.

Of course, New Year's Eve in the Big Apple is a huge event as it marks the hopes of the nation for a better year to come, so why wouldn't the President of the United States of America not show up somehow for the event? The White House handler[s] thought it would be a great idea for Joe to get away from his vacation and spends some time with the peons. So he made an appearance with Ryan Seacrest on ABC's live broadcast. 

Yes, they took a chance that Joe wouldn't screw things up but the chances of that not happening were as good as the chances of a double cheeseburger minding its own business had sitting in front of Chris Christie.

The interview with Seacrest was as hard-hitting as a toddler hitting a whiffle ball. Understandable, of course since this was New Year's Eve and politics should be nowhere on the table. Seacrest knows this and only asked the easiest questions he could find or was given.

What sort of holiday foods have you been enjoying over the last few days?" Seacrest asked the head of the free world.

"Well, I've been eating and everything is put in front of me,” Biden quipped thoughtfully as he coughed up a loogie. “I've been [sic] pasta—which I love—eating a lot of chicken, chicken parmesan, I've been eating all Italian foods, basically."

One thing he forgot to add was his signature food but Doctor Jill Biden likely knew what Seacrest was trying to elicit from Biden. “And ice cream," Doctor Jill Biden said.

“And ice cream,” Joe added. “Chocolate chip ice cream." He smiled at the memory of the last ice cream cone he had or hair he sniffed--it's hard to tell.

Doctor Jill Biden said that she's trying to get her President husband to quit the ice cream as it's high in fat and cholesterol, but it really tastes good and Joe's not worried about his health after his White House doctor told him he is in the prime of his dementia.

The next question Seacrest asked of Joe Biden was: "As you look back and reflect on 2023, what sort of memories, highlights stand out for you?"

Softball question, as it should be--it was New Year's Eve, darn it.

As Biden did the mental windup from the mound in the jasmine of his mind, he looked a pensive and ready to answer the question of what stands out in his mind as he reflects on 2023.

"Well, one of the big highlights stands out for me is—my dad used to have an expression. He said, ‘Joey, a job's about a lot more than a paycheck; it's about your dignity. It's about respect.' So many people through the midwest and in the center in the country, their factories are shipped overseas the last couple of times are out."

Where was the Easter bunny when you needed her/him?

"And then they were losing hope and faith,” Biden blathered on. "So we brought a lot of jobs back to the United States. People are in a position to be able to make a living now and they've created a lot of jobs, over 14 million. And I guess what, I just feel good that the American people got up, they've been through a rough time with pandemic and now we're coming back. They're back."

Seacrest, unprepared for the dementia infused answer tried not to look confused. That was President Joey Biden's job.

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