Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Michelle Obama was asked to condemn Hamas rapes of Israeli women

It's the #MeTooUnlessI'mAJew movement for many on the left. They have pretended to protect and believe ALL women, but now, not so much when the women in question are Israeli. Not surprisingly, when the October 7th sexual atrocities and murders was video recorded by the Hamasshole terrorists themselves, the anti-Semitic left were as quiet as a mouse peeing on a fresh cotton ball.

A prominent figure in the Israeli government, May Golan, who is the Minister for the Advancement of the Status of Women of Israel, participated in an interview with the former first lady and noted that Michelle Obama refused to criticize the terrorist group for the horrific atrocities they inflicted on the elderly, babies, children, women and men on the day that will live in infamy for good people.

The interview, which was broadcast on Israel's Channel 14 on Saturday, discussed the sexual atrocities perpetrated against Israeli females of all ages. Golan told the show's host that her team approached Michelle Obama, who previously condemned Boko Haram after 276 young girls were kidnapped from a Nigerian school, But Obama declined to say a word about the barbarism of Hamas on October 7 during their sneak attack into an Israeli music festival.

Golan: It’s impossible to trust these institutions any more. From my perspective, they don’t have any relevance anymore. And that’s what I want to say. When Michelle Obama, wife of Barack Hussein Obama, said, in public, went out against Boko Haram, and called to return the girls that were kidnapped by Boko Haram, we had, here, a moment of silence, for a sigh ––

Host: She said nothing? She said nothing.

Golan: Not a word. And we approached her, I tell you —

Host: Oh, this is new. You approached Michelle Obama —

Golan: Unambigously.

Host: — please condemn the case of the slaughter of the 7th of October, and Michelle Obama did not agree to condemn it?

Golan: I’ll tell you more than that. I sent her a description, in authentic, sworn testimony, by people who told about the collection of severed female organs from women who had been raped, on broken pelvises, about shocking things that … I don’t want to continue to say in the Israel media. We know that the request has been received. She is not in a political position, she can certainly respond. Silence from her, from all the other female celebrities.

This enlightening moment came soon after the anti-Zionist/anti-Semitic UN Women, an arm of the United Nations that is supposedly dedicated to championing women’s rights globally, displayed exactly the same silence as Obama. [Wasn't it the left that said 'silence is violence'?]

UN Women, who pretend to be the "global champion for gender equality," deleted their post from last week that condemned the rapes and murders of Israeli women at the hands of Hamas. [They must have been pressured to do so by the main body of the UN.] 

The UN Women were harshly criticized for their weeks-long silence after the massacre and initially paid lip service to the attack a week after it happened by tweeting:
UN Women condemns the attacks on civilians in Israel & the Occupied Palestinian Territories, & is deeply alarmed by the devastating impact on civilians including women & girls. International Humanitarian Law & Human Rights Law must be respected & upheld.
Yippie frack. 

So Michelle Obama is no better than any of the disgusting women on the left who blame Israel for the barbarism of Hamas.

Had the shoe been on the other foot where the IDF attacked Palestinian women in Gaza, the response would have been thunderous. There would be a gnashing of teeth and the media would jump on Israel like wet on water. There would be wall-to-wall coverage with cries of "death to Israel" on the lips of every anti-Semite and mainstream media clowns (who might not say it openly, but we'd get the message].

From this writer's personal perspective, I have never witnessed so much anti-Semitism on X as I see of late. Oh sure, there will always be racists, but now the anti-Semites are like bed bugs.

1 comment:

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