Sunday, November 26, 2023

University fires head of sexual assault center for supporting Hamassholes

Canada -- University of Alberta President Bill Flanagan said last week that he is firing the director of the campus sexual assault center after she categorically denied testimony of Hamas sexual violence on October 7, The Edmonton Journal reports.

Samantha Pearson, [her pronouns are she-he-it, say if fast] an obvious Hamasshole supporter, used both her name and the sexual assault center as signatories in a letter and a petition which was titled, “Stand with Palestine: Call on Political Leaders to End Their Complicity in Genocide.”

The letter blasted Jagmeet Singh of the New Democratic Party (NDP) for "repeated the unverified accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence."

It's obvious Pearson refused to believe the video Hamassholes made of their sadistic raping, mutilating, torturing, burning and hostage-taking of Israeli Jews of all ages. She, like those of her ilk, are so blinded by their anti-Semitism that they, like the Nazi Germany citizens of the time, refuse to condemn the barbaric acts. Somehow, for some reason, the Jews must have deserved what was coming to them.

The authors of the letter were city councilor in Victoria, Susan Kim, and Sarah Jama, an Ontario provincial parliament member who was banned from the NDP after calling Israel an “apartheid” state and denying Hamas atrocities just three days after the October 7th massacre. 

Israel is the only Middle East country that is NOT and apartheid state. Israelis come in all colors, religions, and sexual identities. Can these Hamasshole supporters say the same about any single Middle East country? Let them mention just one that allows Jews to thrive, or homosexuals to exist.

The Jewish Federation of Edmonton took issue with the letter, particularly with the phrase, “unverified accusation” in connection to testimony about October 7th rapes and sexual assaults.

In an X post, the organization wrote, “Shouldn’t a sexual assault centre believe all victims, and not just the non-Jewish ones?”

It's only "believe all victims" when the victims aren't Jewish.
Samantha Pearson, @ualbertasac director, and the @ualbertasac have signed a letter alleging that Israelis were not raped or sexually assaulted by #Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7. Shouldn’t a sexual assault centre believe all victims, and not just the non-Jewish ones? #yegmedia #yeg
In an X post, the University of Alberta wrote, “The recent improper and unauthorized use of the name of the [university]’s Sexual Assault Centre in endorsing an open letter has raised understandable concerns from members of our community and the public.”

University president Flanagan announced that Pearson’s dismissal as head of the campus sexual assault center was “effective immediately” and that Pearson “is no longer employed by the university.”

Perhaps she will be able to find work in the Middle East were conviction of sexual assault requires four male witnesses.

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