Saturday, September 30, 2023

Lying Dem Rep. said GOP tried to "provide themselves with a pay raise"

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) may not be the prettiest lawmaker to grace the halls of Congress, but she is one of the Democrats' biggest liars. She accused House Republicans on Saturday of trying to "provide themselves with a pay raise" as she objected to a stopgap spending bill which she eventually voted for as there is nothing she really stands for other than the freedom to look like an old woke hippy fool.

DeLauro said that the "many changes" between what was originally offered in the bill and the version that was offered in the Senate, showed a pay increase for those serving in Congress, and blamed the GOP for that.

"Here is one that I believe the majority will not mention," the lovely DeLauro said. "They amend the Senate bill to give themselves a pay raise. A pay raise. It's there. You can look at me, you can smile but what you did was you amended the Senate bill to give yourselves a pay raise."

DeLauro's claim was met with immediate pushback from House Republicans, who shouted her down, yelling "That's false."

Which of course, it is.

So she took to social media, hoping to get lots of positive feedback when she wrote: "The Member Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) automatically takes effect unless it is blocked. The Senate blocked this in their CR. The House GOP CR does not.

"News flash: a COLA is a pay increase for Members of Congress."

Rep. Austin Scott, R-Ga., later took issue with DeLauro's statement, claiming it was "simply not true" and an "excuse" not to vote in favor of the measure.

Rep. Austin Scott (R-CA)

Disproving DeLauro's claim, and proving she either doesn't know the law or is a liar, Scott read aloud the 27th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which states: "No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened."

"You need to know who's telling you the truth and who's not telling you the truth," Scott said. "Recently, you heard my colleague from Connecticut tell you that the Republican bill has a pay raise for members in Congress. It's simply not true, and if it did, it would be unconstitutional. And if the Senate bill changes the compensation for members of Congress, then it, too, is unconstitutional.

"They are simply grasping at straws. They have intended to shut down the government from the start," Scott added. "Disregard totally what you're hearing from the other side. They are grasping at straws, making excuses and telling flat-out lies about member compensation as an excuse to vote against this piece of legislation."

Democrats lying? Wow, who would have ever thought that?

Everyone who is not a Democrat.

The House later voted to pass a short-term spending bill, as usual, and moved to avoid a government shutdown if the Senate approves the measure. If expedited there, Congress could avoid a shutdown by a hair.

It's just the lies, more lies and damn lies that are annoying.

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