Thursday, June 1, 2023

Jane Fonda blames herself and other white folks for climate change: God disagrees

Vietnam Veterans Ain't Fonda Jane

Here, I'll say it: Jane Fonda sucks. Due to her celebrity status, she had escaped punishment for treason, as in giving aid and comfort to the enemy in the Vietnam War, and Hanoi Jane still pushes Communist bull crap. The photo above depicts her mocking the loud noise the Viet Cong canons made as they killed Americans. Did I mention that she sucks?

The NVA [North. Vietnamese Army] gave her a helmet for her safety as she visited the North for a bunch of propaganda photo ops. One can say that she has contributed to Memorial Day, but not in a good way.

About half a year after she committed treason, Operation Linebacker began and North Vietnam got the crap bombed out of them, which brought them back to the negotiating table, but 43 Americans were killed and 49 captured by the enemy during her 12 December days in 1972. So, it's highly likely that the AA battery Hanoi Jane posed with killed Americans but after the bitch posed, the North Vietnamese failed to come to an agreement and the war played on.

After she returned to the USA, Hanoi Jane said she was tricked into posing, but if you believe that, you are likely to believe the moonwalk was staged.

To this day, Jane Fonda remains a POS traitor who has gone unpunished by both political parties.

She recently went on the Mensa-free show "The View" and suggested that people who believed in the sanctity of live, should lose theirs. Specifically, she said in March that pro-lifer should be murdered, and like Hitler did with the Jews, she believes in murdering those who have different views than she has. The irony is however, she is opposed to the death penalty, but I suspect that it only applies to people who commit murder, because it certainly isn't opposed by this disgusting communist when it comes to killing people who think killing a baby is bad.

On "The View" host Sonny Hostin, a person as bright as a black hole, claimed Fonda's remarks was simply "the activist" coming out. The even dumber host Joy Behar agreed and asked Fonda what could be done about it besides marching and protesting.

“Well, I’ve thought of murder,” Fonda replied through animated cross-talk between the women on the panel. When Tomlin asked her to repeat her statement, Fonda confirmed.


Again I repeat that this hypocrite commie is supposedly against the death penalty, so what do you believe about anything she says?

The idiots of "The View" mindlessly laughed then Behar had to reassure the equally mindless audience that Hanoi Jane was just kidding, adding that right-wing watchdogs might take her words and "run away with it." After all, it isn't like repeating the same thing twice means that you're serious about it.

But the old fart Fonda said at the Cannes Film Festival last Friday that men, especially white men, are the cause of climate change. She failed to explain how, but the Left never needs factual explanations about anything they push.

Like the execrable Greta Thunberg and Alexandria Obviously Comatose, Fonda claimed the world was on the brink of a catastrophic hot spell in "about seven, eight years" if fossil fuel consumption was not cut in half by then. And she knows this because she is an expert in something, just like AOC who gave us 12 years, and the execrable Thunberg who is chronically pissed off at grownups, even after reaching the age of becoming one.

Fonda also lamented for “poor people of color” saying, “It’s good for us all to realize, there would be no climate crisis if there was no racism. There would be no climate crisis if there was no patriarchy,” she reportedly said. “A mindset that sees things in a hierarchical way. White men are the things that matter and then everything else [is] at the bottom.”

Again, she did not explain what climate change and racism has to do with each other, but in light of the fact that she had made crappy movies in the past, she is an expert in something [possibly racism, climate and abortion] and we should believe her.

“So when I say that I’m fighting the climate crisis, I also feel that I’m fighting patriarchy and racism. It’s important because we have to get out of the silos — feminists over here, environmentalists over here. That’s what I learned when I started being an activist around the Vietnam War. The more you go down any issue, whatever it is, you realize that it’s all connected. And if we solve the climate crisis and we haven’t solved those other things, we’re gonna be in trouble.”

Fun Fact: Jane Fonda isn't fighting for s**t. She's virtue signaling that she's better than white people and cares more than you and me about saving the planet while polluting it as she and her comrades like John Kerry, have carbon footprints larger than an average town. 

We have to stop giving credence to communists who have an agenda that is not going to help anyone but the people in power.

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