Monday, May 22, 2023

Leftist pollsters try to hide poll showing Americans oppose genital mutilation of children

Former Marion planting trans flag on Mount Sarah Bobby

A polling group did a survey but the left didn't like the results so they're "keeping quiet" about the findings. Specifically, the group found that Americans give a "hard no" to procedures on children in which their genitals are cut off and made to look like those of the opposite sex. You know, transgender surgery and puberty blockers.

A Democrat-linked polling group is “keeping quiet” about its findings, an inconvenient truth, from a survey that shows Americans oppose transgender procedures on children, a recent report claims.

The Daily Mail says that the Democrat-linked polling group  “gained access” to an invitation-only web event hosted by San Francisco-based Change Research. At this event, the group unveiled the poll results
with the group leaders then “privately hatching plans to ‘educate’ the public by ‘rebranding puberty blockers.'” 

Puberty blockers were originally used for as chemical castration in sex offenders; now the left has rebranded them to sound more 'medical-ish' and benign.  

Change Research mainly conducts online surveys. It has performed polls for Democratic political candidates as well as organizations such as the NAACP and AFL–CIO.

The Mail said they were invited to join the webinar, then uninvited, but “we attended anyway, after registering with a personal email address.”  They reported that the group's marketing head, Molly McInerney,  said they would “not be making these results widely available” evidently because it went against their mission to destroy America's youth, but they didn't say so. 

They asked the attendees not to "share these findings," which should tell you something as to how they operate. In fact, The Mail said that the firm had already declined their request to see the findings before the webinar.

“The webinar indicated that Change Research wanted to conceal its results — with the stated goal of reshaping US attitudes on gender ideology and trans treatments on kids,” the paper reported. 

In other words, they wanted to deceive the public by claiming that Americans approve of cutting off the genitals of boys and girls, and cutting off the breasts of girls while giving both groups chemical castration drugs they now only refer to as puberty blockers.

The poll of more than 1,200 voters conducted between April 28 and May 2 found that a majority (60%) of Americans believe sex is assigned at birth and that can’t be changed, according to the Daily Mail. Fifty-six percent also oppose prescribing puberty blockers to children and 60% oppose sex-altering surgeries, such as breast removal.

Just a third of those surveyed support such procedures on children and those people scored high on the Virtue Signaling Scale and the Science Ignorance Scale.

But the poll also reportedly found Americans seemed willing to allow children to get sex-reassignment counseling with their parents involved. They were also OK with other treatments as long as they were reversible. Sadly, however, getting your twigs and berries or breasts and female genitalia chopped off and shaped into the genitalia of the sex a child does not belong to, is irreversible. Once it's gone, it's gone, along with future sexual fulfillment.

Those polled opposed “‘permanent” or “physical, non-reversible changes to the body.”

What part of having a penis, breasts and vagina mutilated sounds reversible? [I would post a photo of what it looks like, but I would get booted from Blogger.]

“It means butchering a human body to try and change a person’s sex as determined by the CHROMOSOMES through biology,” said one respondent. “A person is and always shall be the sex assigned by their chromosomes, and nothing will change that.”

Lead pollster Betsy App [really, that's her name] called the results “bad news.” “I want to give us all a reality check,’ App reportedly told the online session. “We are facing an uphill battle when it comes to voters’ fundamental beliefs about the relationship between sex and gender.”

Because facts get in the way of their feelings.

App is a mother [aka birthing person] of three including a “gender creative first-grader,” [does the child draw pictures of girls with penises and vice-versa?]. She [if that's her pronoun] told the online session they need to use the term “gender affirming care,” calling it a “great term that we should continue using” because it resonates with the public as opposed to terms like "penis removing procedure victims" or "breast-less girls who want to look like boys" surgeries.

The left is great with words but not so great with tolerance, facts, and Western values.

App also said the term “puberty blockers” should be abandoned. “One of the key next steps is rebranding puberty blockers,” she said. “This is a term that’s not doing us any favors.” 

She's right--call puberty blockers what they really are: chemicals that stifle puberty, future sexual drive, and are originally used for chemical castration in sex offenders.

Children are not sex offenders, they are children whose brains have not yet developed to the point where they are capable of making life-altering decisions, even if their deranged parents think they can.

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