Saturday, April 1, 2023

Joe Scarborough calls DeSantis an anti-Semite for saying Alvin Bragg is Soros-backed

If you say Joy Reid is homophobic based on her history of homophobic Facebook posts, you're a racist. 

If you don't want men in dresses and lipstick straddling your child at a drag queen show, you're transphobic. 

If you believe Anthony Fauci is responsible for COVID policies that were dangerous, especially to our children, you're a science denier. 

If you believe criticizing leftist billionaire and self-described atheist George Soros' plan to overhaul and eventually destroy our criminal justice system is a reasonable criticism, you're an anti-Semite.

And if you believe any of these claims are true, you might be a far-left, low-information Joe Scarborough advocate, because he criticized Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) of anti-Semitism for saying that Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is Soros-backed, which indeed he is.

But Soros was born Jewish, although he is an atheist and thus not really a Jew other than birth's immutable stamp on him. And Joe Scarborough was born stupid, and that's birth's immutable stamp on the hair guy.

It's absolutely ludicrous to take that pejorative by the MSNBC cretin seriously. Nobody on this planet, other than his dear departed mother, I presume, when they think of Soros, thinks of a Jew. No, they think of Soros as a Marxist, maybe even a socialist, but while they may know he's Jewish by birth, people don't see him as such, certainly not as his defining characteristic. 

The left's arguments against conservative ideology is anemic so what they must do is name call and shut off our speech and constitutional rights. Otherwise, they've got zilch, and the Biden administration, along with his handlers, are proof of this.

Scarborough went after the DeSantis’ tweet that said he wouldn't cooperate with "Soros-backed" Alvin Bragg in the extradition of former President Donald Trump that came after Bragg had him indicted on what appears to be dubious legal grounds. 

Scarborough is obvious ignorant of the fact that Soros was clear in that he had an agenda to elect leftist prosecutors across the entire United States; it appears everyone knows that except Joe Scarborough who obviously used a strawman argument making DeSantis seem like he was taking a swipe at Soros' Jewish heritage.

“It’s just Jews. They’re attacking Jewish, international bankers. It’s what anti-Semites have been doing for hundreds of years — attacking Jewish, international bankers,” Scarborough disgustingly said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on March 31.

Then the idiot savant host used the tired, inexcusable, leftist talking point comparing DeSantis to Nazis:   “That’s what they do. They try to blame everything on Jewish international bankers. It’s Germany 1933.”

Really now. George Soros is closer to being a Nazi than being a Jew.

MRC Business Vice President Dan Schneider, who is Jewish, ripped Scarborough apart on Twitter for his senseless comparison of DeSantis to Nazi Germany: “@JoeNBC diminishes the evilness of the holocaust and anti-Semitism by blabbering such [treif]. THAT is evil.” Schneider later said in a follow-up statement: “Scarborough diminishing the evils of anti-Semitism this way is anti-Semitism. I call on him to apologize to all Jews.”

He won't.

And he won't condemn Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (MI) for their real anti-Semitism.

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