Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Biden's DOJ: no jail time for transgender who vandalized Catholic church writing 'F--k Catholics'

Biden's DOJ has just handed out a sweetheart plea deal to a trans-vandal who proudly admitted to defacing a Catholic church with disgusting graffiti, destroying a statue of the Virgin Mary, assaulting a church worker and resisting arrest. But due to the fact that this individual, Maeve Nota, 31, fits the victimhood category of being transgender, she-he-it or whatever, gets to waltz away from jail time.

The scumcrumpet vandalized the  St. Louise Catholic Church in Bellevue, Washington following the Roe v. Wade overturning last June. It served as she-he-it's excuse, it appears, because even the idea of resisting arrest and attacking a church worker should be sufficient charges for jail time. But this is the Biden administration, obviously run by some unelected covert operative whose hand is up our so called dummy President's backside, making his mouth move.

But had Nota been pro-life and protested outside an abortion factory, Nota would have the book thrown at she-he-it as Biden's handlers have done in the past as in the case of a Christian named Mark Houck.

"It is very clear that the Biden Justice Department has politicized and weaponized the FACE Act to go after pro-life Christians praying outside of abortion clinics like Mark Houck while turning a blind eye to violent felons terrorizing and badly damaging Catholic churches like Maeve Nota," Mike Davis, founder of the Article III Project, told Fox News Digital.

"The Biden Justice Department tried to put Houck in prison for 11 years for defending his son while recommending no jail time for Nota after this deranged trans terrorist badly damaged a Catholic church, fought with the police, assaulted a church employee, and scared the hell out of a little old lady praying," Davis said.

She-he-it smashed two glass doors with rocks, spray-painted the outside walls of the church with sayings such as "rot in your fake hell," "kid groomers," and "woman haters." There was more from the moron, but you get the picture.

A church staff member was spray-painted across their face while attempting to chase Nota away.

When officers located Nota, police said he used a backpack full of spray paint cans to smash the police vehicle before turning himself in.

Nota, whose gender remains a mystery, appeared drunk during the arrest and was said to be angry about the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe. v. Wade the week before the incident, investigators previously told KOMO News.

Following the crime, Police Capt. Darryl McKinney told FOX13 Seattle that the $10,000 in damages fall under a hate crime statute, which of course it should.

According to filings from early March, Biden's Justice Department hit she-he-it with destruction of religious property, a misdemeanor that can carry up to one year in prison and $100,000 in fines.

A week later, however, a previously unreported plea agreement between the Justice Department, Nota, and his attorney shows that they will recommend no jail time and three years of probation at the time of his sentencing on June 2. The LGBTQ+1LSMFT~9/?46 community is also working on a design for the trophy they want to privately award Nota, which rumor has it, will be presented by Vice President Kamala Hahahaharris.

Anyone who votes for this demented political party deserves what they get, good and hard.

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