Sunday, February 12, 2023

Tulsi rips Mittens a new one during hearing

Now that the House majority belongs to the GOP, they have a little clout and opened the select committee hearing on the weaponization of the DoJ and FBI.

Former Democrat Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard was one of the witnesses for the hearing, and minced no words about the corruption she has observed between Big Tech and the federal government and how they targeted her personally.

She recounted how she was once approached by a woman during the 2020 presidential campaign and was asked by he whether she was working for Vladimir Putin. Evidently, the woman got the misinformation from the words of Hillary Clinton who accused Gabbard of being "groomed by Putin.” 

Now we have Sen. Mitt Romney [RINO] spouting nearly the same accusation, claiming that she was spreading “treasonous lies” in response to some of her commentary on the conflict in Ukraine.

Treason is punishable by death. Tulsi Gabbard is an officer in the US military, risking her life for the country while Mittens has never served in the military a day in his life.

During the hearing, Gabbard was given an official platform to respond, and she ripped Romney a new one.You really ought to consider checking out the tweet below for a part of her statement about Romney:
Tulsi Gabbard calls out Mitt Romney for accusing her of treason.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 9, 2023
These were her words:
"More recently, US senator Mitt Romney accused me of treason, a crime that is punishable by death under our laws. I challenged him to back this serious allegation up with evidence. What was this based on? There was no response, no explanation, no evidence, and certainly no apology.

"Now, these accusations are often shrugged off as “well hey, it’s politics, people say things about each other all the time.” But that may be easy for some of you to say, but for somebody who wears the uniform, this is serious, and it’s serious not only to me but to my fellow servicemembers and veterans, every one of us making a decision at some point in our lives to raise our right hand, prepared and volunteering to lay our life down for this country.

"What does that mean in reality? It means that before every deployment, we have to make peace in our own hearts with the possibility that we may not come home. It means writing letters to our loved ones, trying to find the words (end of clip)."
To speak of those of us who have served in the military and some who are currently serving, as Tulsi Gabbard is, Romney's words define him as a shitbird. [Marines know what I mean.] Calling someone a traitor because they don't agree with a foreign war that does not directly involve the USA, is disgusting, defamatory, and ridiculous.

Tulsi Gabbard put her money where her mouth is; Mitt Romney never did.

Romney should be impeached. Period. And I don't give a damn what party he is or what party she is. He is an execrable scumbag.

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