Monday, December 5, 2022

Don't refuse eminent domain if you live in Saudi Arabia--they will kill you if you refuse to leave

Three indigenous Saudi men were told to leave their homes to make way for NEOM, a futuristic city state that’s estimated to cost $500,000,000,000 because the Crown Prince and man who order Jamal Kashogghi to be killed and dismembered, Mohammed bin Salman, had the idea to build it and they will come.

The three men - all members of the Howeitat tribe, also known as al-Huwaitat - were handed death sentences by Saudi Arabia’s special courts on October 2nd.

The Howeitat people reside in towns and villages in the northwest of Saudi Arabia.

Shadli, Attaullah and Ibrahim al-Howeitat were first arrested in 2020 and sentenced to death weeks ago, while a month prior - in September - other Howeiti people were sentenced to 50 years in prison, according to VICE.

Their sentence was handed down by Saudi Arabia's Specialized Criminal Court, which is mainly used by the kingdom to charge dissidents and human rights activists and maybe kill them or otherwise mess them up.

In April 2020, Shadli, Attaullah and Ibrahim’s brother - Abdul Rahim - was shot and killed by Saudi special forces after he used his final social media post to criticize the compulsory eviction. They don't like it when you don't go along with the program.

Abdul Rahim said Saudi Arabia was guilty of ‘state terrorism’ and before they killed him, he had become a vocal opponent to NEOM. He is currently enjoying his death with 72 virgins sitting by the banks of a river made of wine.

The government lied that his death was the result of a ‘shootout with security forces’ and insisted Abdul Rahim had to be ‘neutralized,’ also alleging he ‘barricaded himself in his house’ and ‘threw molotov cocktails’ at security forces.

VICE also notes that his body was held for weeks by authorities before being returned to his family and the government closed his case without releasing more details, kind of like what they did with Jamal Kashogghi.

What’s more, the Saudi government offered to pay people in the community to condemn Howeitat’s actions and anyone who spoke out against the move was ‘quickly silenced,' kind of like Kashogghi.

The idea is that NEOM will be ready by 2030, although some have warned that it could take 20 years longer than that and perhaps a thousand or more "Kashogghis."

But they have oil and Biden doesn't want the US to have their own, so he's still pals with bin Salman and will overlook what the Saudis have done to the three men as they did with Kashogghi.

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