Thursday, December 15, 2022

Beelzebub's babe, Gov. Whitmer, directs MI gov't to permit baby killings up to birth

They can't hide it anymore: pro-abortion advocates went from 'legal, safe and rare' to 'do what you gotta do.'  Now these satanists are getting behind Michigan's Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Wednesday to dance and sing about the enactment of a pro-baby-killing state constitutional amendment that would allow for the murder of unborn babies, up to the moment of exiting the birth canal, for any reason. 

If that isn't infanticide, please explain.

MichiganLive reports Whitmer, a pro-baby-killing Democrat who recently vetoed funding to help pregnant and parenting moms in need in order to make it more difficult for them to go through with the birth of their child, even signed an executive directive on Wednesday which requires Michigan entities to ensure they follow the new amendment [unlike Whitmer when she and her husband both failed to follow her COVID directives in 2020].

This directive will ensure state agencies and departments “provide the maximum protection possible for the fundamental right to reproductive freedom enshrined in the Michigan Constitution,” her office said in a press release. The term 'reproductive freedom' is an oxymoron. Reproduction begins at conception. The freedom abortionist advocates talk about is the freedom to end the life that had begun at reproduction, not the freedom to reproduce. But the left is great with redefining words--so much so that the Cambridge Dictionary has redefined the word 'definition.'

The directive will go into effect on Christmas Eve in order to make it as demonic as possible. It's unclear as to whether there will be any human sacrifices beyond the unborn in the celebration.

During a press conference at the state Capitol, Whitmer celebrated the passage of Proposition 3 with abortion activists from Planned Parenthood and other groups, WLNS News 6 reports.

“All Michiganders [who have not been aborted] are living in a state where they can not only make their own health care decisions [and baby death decisions] but they can create a life and they can thrive in our state,” Planned Parenthood spokesperson Nicole Stallworth said, but actually meant only the killing of babies part as this is how Planned Parenthood makes its money, along with selling dead baby parts.

The new amendment will obviously lead to the killing of innocent human lives in Michigan as it ensures abortion on demand and repeals the 1931 state abortion ban that protected unborn babies. It will likely end all abortion limits in the state, including parental consent for minors [who have lost all innocence to the left's culture wars] and a ban on elective late-term abortions.

Gov. Whitmer is a disgusting, evil person who has the advantage of not having been aborted over those who will never have a voice. The fact remains that abortion kills significantly more minority babies than white babies, and the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist who thought blacks are an inferior race and their babies should be aborted. [Google 'Margaret Sanger + eugenics' if you don't believe this.] 

Nearly 30,000 unborn babies are aborted in Michigan every year, and killing them is not health care.

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