Saturday, November 12, 2022

Registered Democrat poll worker arrested after suspicious message found on a voting machine

Not the arrested poll worker but a pole worker nonetheless

Pueblo County, CO -- tampering with election equipment seems to have become a new olympic event: if you don't get caught, you get a gold medal and your Democrat candidate gets more votes than he or she deserved. 

Now that election day has come and gone and votes still being counted, we know that machine tampering had occurred in Pueblo, Colorado where Richard Patton, a poll worker, has been charged with a class 5 felony after he tried to interfere with a voting machine.

Patton [aka Dick] is a registered Democrat and his arrest has been confirmed by the Pueblo Police Department on their Facebook page:
According to CBS news, Patton, a registered Democrat, allegedly inserted a USB drive into a voting machine at the polling station where he was working.
This incident occurred in June during the Colorado primary elections.

CBS reported that poll workers heard an odd sound on June 28 and when they went to investigate and clean the machine they saw an error message, which they immediately reported.

They were able to quickly trace it back to Patton [aka Dick] who was the last person, and a Democrat, to use that booth.

Authorities quickly assured voters that no election data was accessed and claimed that it had no effect on voting, but the possibility of similar breaches is a real concern.

According to The Pueblo Chieftain, (a newspaper, not an Indian chief) Patton will be the first person charged under a new Colorado election law which made tampering with election equipment a felony instead of a misdemeanor, which means he could get a one to two year jail sentence and a fine ranging from $1,000 to $100,000, depending which Party is in power.

Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold [not to be confused with Ellen Griswold, a character from the movie "Vacation"] explained the reasoning behind these stricter laws in the wake of the 2020 election and the controversy it wrought.

“The continued spread of election conspiracies and the Big Lie is fueling threats to American elections, including efforts to interfere with election equipment,” Griswold told the Chieftain.

“That is why I led a first-in-the-nation law on insider election threats, which increased physical safeguards around voting equipment and made it a felony to tamper with voting equipment. It is vital that anyone who breaks the law in attempts of subverting the will of the people or undermining elections be held responsible.”

Patton was arrested on Thursday by the Pueblo Police Department, and was held at the Pueblo County Judicial Center.

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Patton was booked on charges of Tampering with a Voting Machine and Cyber Crimes. He denies any wrongdoing but fat chance of that being true--he's a Democrat, for G-dsake!

This was worse than 911 and 1/6 combined.

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