Sunday, June 26, 2022

Singer with lots of tattoos and money renounces his citizenship because he thinks he can't have an abortion

A front person in mascara and tattoo-decorated arms who sings for a group known as Green Day, named Billie Joe Armstrong, [BJ to his friend] is so upset he can't get a woman pregnant and kill the baby, says he [whatever that is] is lost to America and claimed that he's "renouncing his citizenship" after the SCOTUS ended the unconstitutional Roe v. Wade decision. On Friday night, BJ declared "f**k America," which our enemies have tried to do and failed miserably.

The landmark Supreme Court decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health case overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade judgment and put abortion law into the hands of the individual states. This caused people who are okay with wreaking violence against the unborn, to justify violence against those who want to protect the voiceless and helpless babies.

Armstrong, 50, [his age and IQ evidently] made his personal decision public because he believes we give a fig what he does. Some of his fans might be upset to see him leave the best nation on earth, but most of us never knew where he lived nor where he plans to put relocate. Hopefully he will go to a Middle East country where abortion is banned, or France, where the restrictions on abortion are tighter than Biden's butt now that he's been coached.

BJ told his audience on Friday in a London concert that he believes "[T]here's too much f***ing stupid in the world," and he proved it with his ungrammatical statement.

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The man behind his anti-American rant met thunderous applause after promising the crowd he was going to move to the UK, but not to any of their "no-go zones," because he isn't crazy.

He also said stuff about Trump and his followers because he's so courageous to do so and there are no arrows in the left's quiver.

BJ will be sorely missed by some, not at all missed by most.

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